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In the morning, akutagawa woke up to a loud yell. He sat up and winced a little, then looked around. When he finally looked behind him, he saw a furious looking atsushi. He mentally face palmed himself for forgetting to set an alarm.

"RYUNOSUKE." atsushi said sternly, placing his hands on his hips.
"listen honey-"
"don't 'honey' me, just tell me why you're not in bed." atsushi said sitting next to akutagawa, sounding more worried now.
"you were shattered atsushi. The bags under your eyes were ridiculous and you had fallen asleep so I had Carried you to bed and fell asleep her-"
Akutagwa felt a sharp pain on his leg. Atsushi had slapped him, but not too hard.
"you should've woken me, whether I was shattered or not, I Need to help you." atsushi mumbled, hugging akutagawa. He hugged back and apologiesed for worrying atsushi.
"I love you akutagawa but it's still 2 more days till you're fully out of the danger zone. Even then, we still need to take it easy for a wee-"


Aku stood up angrily and glared at atsushi with a piercing glare. Atsushi was stunned.
"no.? Akutagawa you'll split your stitches-"
atsushi stared in disbelief and nodded. Akutagawa didn't mean to say what he said, he didn't mean that atsushi was getting on his nerves as all, he was just stressed. He was about to apologise before he felt a soothing hand on his. He looked at atsushi, who was smiling weakly.
"2 more days then OK? But promise me you'll let me help you."
akutagawa sat back down and nodded, squeezing atsushis hand.
"love you atsushi."
"mhm, love you too."

With dazai and chuuya:

Chuuya was asleep in the guest bedroom as dazai was sat next to him, holding his hand.
"cmon chuu, wake up." he whispered.

Suddenly a loud yell came from atsushi. He walked into the hallway and stood round the corner as not to get spotted by the two. He saw atsushi scolding akutagawa.
"dumbass, you should've been more careful." he scoffed, listening back in again.

He watched as akutagawa began yelling back. As aku was shouting he looked at atsushi who quickly wiped away a tear, smiling again. Dazai face twisted into a sorrowful glance. He knew atsushi didn't want to cry as he would've upset akutagawa making him feel bad. Atsushi obviously thought that akutagawa had it rough enough.

Dazai shook his head, disappointed in the both of them, then walked back to their room.

Atsushi hugged akutagawa, holding back tears. He then heard dazai screaming. This caused the two of them to get up and run to dazai, atsushi holding akutagawas hand.

They ran into the guest room and stood shocked as dazai held onto chuuya. He was awake.

"AH CHUUYA!" atsushi whisper shouted, running and dragging akutagawa into the hug. He was careful as not to harm him.

Chuuya had been out for a few days. No one knew why. Atsushi had suggested they bring in a nurse to check on him but dazai said no.

Chuuya said that he had been feeling quite bad for a few days and had gone for a check up secretly. Apparently, his iron was low and he had to get it up quickly but obviously didn't, causing him to collapse. Atsushi punched him but not hurtfully. He was annoyed that chuuya didn't say anything.

After a few days, the 4 decided to go to the movies, to watch a new action movie that was coming out. It was called 'Sunday nightmares' it was an 18 horror movie and everyone but atsushi found it interesting. Atsushi was terrified. They never told him it was a horror movie.

(movie is fake BTW, it doesn't exist)

When they got back from the movie, chuuya and dazai stayed at akutagawas place for a bit. They all drank and had a small party again. It was around 10 and every one started to get rather tipsy.

"say, akutagawa?" dazai said.
Akutagwa looked over curiously.
"it's been 4 extra days since you were able to fully come out of recovery. How come?"
Akutagwas face grew shocked as he remembered, obviously atsushi had forgotten too as he looked worried.

"oh yeah, you two, go home." akutagawa commanded. Dazai nodded, grinning. He picked up his sleeping chuuya and walked away, wishing atsushi good luck. Atsushi heart sank as the man in black carried him into the bedroom. He placed atsushi onto the bed and started taking his clothes off. Atsushi prayed to God as he knew he wouldn't get away with it.

805 Words. Hehe, smut for the next chapter.

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