The Talk

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This Is a tiny chapter, I apologise in a advance... 😭

"akutagawa you moron." dazai scoffed as he flicked akutagawas ear.
"the fuck dazai?"
"you've hurt atsushi a lot mate, don't you care?" dazai questioned. All akutagawa did was scoff and roll his eyes. That's when dazai smelt the booze.
"get yourself a glass of water, stand outside to get some fresh air and think about what you've done and how you've treated the one you love." dazai spat as he filled a glass of water and shoved it at akutagawa.
"bye." he said coldly. He went to the car that chuuya was waiting in and hugged him.
"that stupid boy doesn't realise how much he can hurt someone. He was so blinded by lust and all that alcohol." dazai said dissapointed.
"dazai, why are you so wound up, it happens sometimes." chuuya said trying to calm dazai down. The bandaged man turned to chuuya and brushed his hair away from his shoulder. He moved his shirt out of the way, revealing a small but deep scar.
"remember how you got this?" dazai said softly. Chuuya hid his shoulder again.
"dazai, please it was ages ago. Forgive yourself for it. It's not even that bad I promise."
"rage, lust and alcohol gave you that. I don't want him to end up like me chuuya..."
"oh dazai." chuuya said sympathetically, kissinh dazai cheek. "lets go home and rest." dazia nodded and drove them off.

264 words, told ya it was short! So sorry about it but I wanted to do a quick chapter before sleep!

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