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"Chuuya. Chuuya. Chuu. Chuuu. Chewiiee. Chuu chuu." Dazai prodded chuuyas back multiple times before getting agitated. "NAKAHARA!"
chuuya woke with a shock and botled right up to see dazai with a grin.
"Chuuya, my bandages. I can't do them alone. Normally kunikida would do them." He said, dragging his fingers across the old scars. He squeezed his hand into a fist, feeling sorry for himself.
"Hey. Osamu." Dazai lifted his head up in utter shock.
"You said my first name, I haven't heard you say that since the day I left you." Chuuya smiled.
"Let's go a day without your bandages, okay?" Dazai stared in shock and his face twisted into a scared and furious expression.
"CHUUYA NO! IVE GOT WORK TODAY." Chuuya stared at the floor, feeling sorry for him. He placed his hand on his wrist and gentle stroked his hand with his thumb.
"They don't know... do they?" Dazai shook his head.
"Osamu, its respectful if they know. You trust them, right? So prove it to them. Please dazaiz although the bandages are fucking hot, I don't want you to hide within them all the time." Dazai stared at his lover and nodded.
"Only for today okay?" He warned. Chuuya nodded and told dazai he would go with him so he didn't feel as uncomfortable.

They made it into the agency, and everyone stared at dazai, noticing the missing bandages instantly.
"Dazai?" Ranpo said, and dazai only looked up in shame.
"It's nice to see you're embracing your flaws dazai." Tanizaki beamed as he walked up to dazai and stroked the scars.
"I know you think they're ugly dazai, but they're not."
"Were all here for you, with whatever decisions you make." Naomi smiled, walking up to tanizaki and placing her head on his shoulder.

Suddenly they heard yosano shout.
"WHA ARE YOU, LEAVE ATSUSHI ALONE, STOP!" They heard loud bangs and then a loud shattering noise.

Yosano let out an earpeircing scream.

"ATSUSHI! OH MY GOD! KUNIKIDA HELP!" she yelled. Kunikida ran in with the others following him and freaked out when he saw atsushi with a large shard of glass, impaled through his throat.

Kunikida saw atsushi breathing heavily and ran to him as ranpo calmed yosano down.
"Atsushi. Talk to me."
Atsushis face was scared. Very scared. His eyes flicked around and tears ran down his face. He tried to talk but only a croaking noise came from him. This freaked him out even more. Kunikida stroked the back of his head soothingly as picked him up.
"Were going to hospital, everyone is coming. Forget work today, we need to all be there for atsushi."
Everyone nodded and got into the 3 cars outside.

When they got to the hospital, atsushi had passed out and kunikida ran inside frantically.
"HELP. SOMEONE HELP US." He yelled, panting. A doctor took atsushi from kunikida and took him into the emergency room. Leaving the meters of the agency and chuuya, terrified.

1 hour later

A doctor came to talk to kunikida.
"He has some eternal bleeds that are from wounds, most likely given from the attacker you told us about. We'll have surgery for that and the would at his neck. We couldn't remove the glass yet, but we will I surgery. We will have to move slowly though or it could be fatal. Luckily for you little friend, it missed his vocal chords, so he will talk again. I'll get someoen to update you." The doctor bowed and went back into the room and everyone watched as they saw them drag their atsushi away.

Kunikida sat down and placed his head in his hands. Yosani was crying with ranpo rubbing her back. Naomi and tanizaki were crying, holding onto each other. Dazai had falled asleep on chuuya, with a few tears down his face.
"Yosano." Kunikida said sternly. Yosano looked up.
"Who was the attacker?" She shook her head as if to say she doesn't know. Suddenly, akutagawa ran into the hospital.
"Keep your voice down please, and he's in surgery." Akutagawa sat down next to him in defeat and a few tears built in his eyes. Chuuya ruffled his hair.
"He should be okay." Akutagawa smiled at the comment and rested his head on chuuyas shoulder.
"Yosano, give me some details on the attacker so we can identify him." Yosano nodded and said, "He had big burly shoulders, brown hair. No. Brownish hair with highlights and bright green eyes. He had a medium length beard with grey hairs in it. He was wearing black cargos and a navy blue jacket. That's all I remember." She said, still crying a little. Akutagawa bolted up right when he heard the description.

"Toshi Fernando. Also known as the green goblin." Akutagawa said. " He's a criminal from Thailand and he's here to capture atsushi. The bill on him." Kunikida nodded.
"Lets go find him then shall we?" Yosano nodded as she knew what he looked like.
"No yosano, we know who were looking for, trust me. Stay." Yosano nodded. Just then a doctor came up to them.
"The surgery is in process, it should take atleast 8 hours." She then bowed and went to scrub back in. Akutagawa, chuuya and ranpo said they would go to find that man. Dazai yawned and said goodbye to his lover. Chuuya nodded, smiled and kissed dazai.
"I'll be back soon mi amor."
"Alright darling."

932 WORDS!! thank you and sorry for leaving you on a cliffhangerr

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