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Dazai walked home with a clinging chuuya on his back. He had fallen asleep and dazai was humming along to himself. When he reached his home, he placed chuuya on the bed and undressed him and put him in pyjamas so he wouldn't wake up uncomfortably. He kissed chuuyas forehead and left the room with gentle snoring in the background.

As chuuya was sleeping, dazai made some snacks and went to sit In the living room, putting on some movies. He watched all the final destinations before heading to bed. It was now really late and chuuya was still asleep, but surprisingly, on the other end of the bed. His feet were by the head board while his head was hanging off the edge.

Dazai giggled hysterically at the sight before picking chuuya up carefully as not to wake him. He then Put him the right way and spooned him, holding him tight. Chuuyas warm skin heated up dazais own cold, almost dead feeling body. Dazai shivered but soon felt comfy in chuuyas embrace. He soon fell asleep with the little person in his arms.


Chuuya woke and tried to sit up, but he had a heavy weight on him, making it unable for him to move. He turned his head and saw dazai, snoring lightly down chuuyas ear. Slowly lifting dazais arm, he slid his way out of bed and walked to the kitchen. He made some breakfast and sat down on the sofa. When the TV turned on, it was so loud chuuya instantly had to turn it back of. He placed his fingers on the volume button and prepared. When he managed to succeed, he found that the news was on. It was about capturing a killer, which chuuya soon found out was from the mafia.

Dazai came tumbling in, yawning. He laid his head in chuuyas shoulder, pushing the red head down a little. He then waddled over to the sofa and sat down, turning himself away from chuuya, and then lying on his lap. Chuuya looked down and shrugged, unbothered and continued to watch the news. Suddenly, chuuya dropped his plate and stood up swiftly, knocking dazai. The ex mafioso looked up at chuuya and asked what was the matter.

"Dazai... they're after you and atsushi." Chuuya stuttered. Dazai raised an eyebrow.
Chuuya pointed to the TV, still in utter shock. There was a secret underground police force group which finally came from undercover to announce they had been spying on dazai, akutagawa, chuuya and the weretiger atsushi. They wanted atsushis bounty and ability aswell as capturing murderers.

Them wanting dazai was understandable since he was still a murderer but atsushi? Suddenly it hit him. Weretiger. They want him for his ability. They want him because they need to experiment. Dazai turned to chuuya and explained as calmly as possible they all had to hide somewhere and change their looks for a short while. Chuuya phoned atsushi and akutgawa.

<when they all grouped>

Dazai explained everything to the younger two resulting in atsushi getting very worried and akutagawa nodding in disbelief.
"So we've been caught? We've been watched from afar and now we're going to get caught." Akutagawa said solemnly.
"No. Not if we fake us moving away from the country. I have a massive underground casino which I can close for a few good months and we can stay there and come out when it's safe." Chuuya said. Everyone nodded.
"We must change our looks though, we need food but can't be recognised. And NO ability usage." Dazai warned.
Everyone nodded.

Akutagawa left rashomon in a locked box in the room he and atsushi were sleeping in. They then got changed into different clothes. Akutagawa wore grey joggers with a black jumper and a dark grey shirt. Atsushi wore a white jumper with also grey pants, but a sage green shirt. They went to the hairdressers and atsushi got some part of him hair cut short and died brown, while akutagawa only died it blonde and put blue highlights in it just because.

With chuuya and dazai, they had also had the same idea of going undercover. Dazai wore a deep burgundy waist coat with a stripy pale yellow shirt. He wore black pants and a matching yellow overcoat. He then bought another trench coat and it was a very dark grey. Chuuya wore a dark sage green shirt with a lighter sage green waist coat. He wore black pants like dazai and a black overcoat. Chuuya died his hair dark down while dazai went with platinum blonde with red highlights. They walked to meet atsushi and akutgawa and they all looked shocked at their new look. None of them suited what they were wearing but that was the point, if they died their new looks, people would know.

Now they must live a few months hidden from the world to ensure their safety.

839 WORDS! thank you for taking the time to read my story, it makes me so happy.

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