whatever you say dazai..

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In the morning with chuuya~

"Ngh... wha-? When did I-? How did-?" He stuttered, looking around at his bedroom.

"I didn't walk here myself, did akutagawa bring me back? No, he doesn't know where I live." Chuuya thought. He carried on thinking as he walked into the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water for the hangover.

"We met dazai and atsushi didn't we!?" He mumbled under his breath, "then.. then dazai... daza-..." he slamed the glass down on the counter. "THAT STUPID MACKERAL CARRIED ME HOME!" He said, pretending to be annoyed when he knew deep down inside he wasn't bothered, and quite enjoyed it.

He pulled his phone out from his pocket and called someone.
"Hi, yeah sorry, I'm afraid I can't work today. Yeah no, I'm really ill. Yeah... yeah alright... don't worry, I'll be I'm next week." He hung up the phone and leaned over the sink, arms either side of the dish, his phone in a tight grip in his hands.
"Stupid mori, hate him.." he scoffed.

"Oi chuuya, that's not nice is it?" Said a voice. Chuuya lifted his head up in shock and groaned.

"D-d-DAZAI!?" He yelled, falling backwards onto the floor.
"Heya chuu." He grinned happily, holding a hand out for chuuya.

"W-why are you here?" Chuuya scowled as he slapped away dazais hand and lifted himself up.
"I brought you home and you clung onto me like a baby, so I stayed with you till you fell asleep then took myself to the couch and slept there." Dazai said, all while grinning, which creeped chuuya out.
"Why didn't you just leave?"
"The door self locks and I dont have a key darling." He explained, holding chuuyas chin, making chuuya look up at him.

Chuuya let out a hmph noise to show he was annoyed and pushed dazai away.
"Whatever dumbass." He grunted, his face rapidly turning a pale red.

Dazai grinned.

"Awwe. Is my little chuu embarrassed, or are you getting hard for me?" Dazai teased. Chuuya felt dazais smirk burn into the back of his head. He turned round and attempted to smack dazai with his elbow, but dazai caught his arm.

Seconds later, dazai had bent chuuya backwards so he was gripping chuuyas back and was holding the gingers arm.

(Looks something like this)

Dazai leaned chuuya further over untilhe felt an array of smacks on his own back

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Dazai leaned chuuya further over until
he felt an array of smacks on his own back.

"Chuuyaaa." Dazai whined, gently letting go of the shorter, making sure he would fall again, "Don't be meann"
Chuuya grunted at him and turned around, smiling to himself the moment he knew dazai couldn't see his face. He then felt a small tap on his left shoulder, causing him to stop smiling and turn round to face the taller male.
"What?" He snapped. Dazais face turned serious.

"Chuuya... I'm sorry."

Chuuya stared at dazai dumbfounded.
"D-dazai? W-what are you doing?"

The brown haired man held onto the shorters shoulders, and let his head fall into his chest. Chuuya was shook,

causing him to freeze.
"I-i..." he stammered. Suddenly, he felt something warn on his chest, stopping his sentance


Chuuya pushed dazai away to look at
"Dazai, what the fuck." Chuuya said sternly.
"I'm sorry for leaving alone there, in the port mafia, I should've taken you with me..." he said, his tears falling down his face silently.
"Dazai. I forgave you when you left. Yeah whatever, your should've taken me, but I knew you were leaving and I didn't ask to join. It doesn't matter anyways, I would've gotten caught by police or something, then we'd be separate again." Chuuya said with genuine intentions of cheering dazai up.

"Chuuya. You had the chance to leave the mafia, they'd never hurt you." Dazai scoffed.
"I wanted to not get killed. Dazai when you left, they hated you and talked shit to me. If I left too, we would've been murdered by them. You're better than me and always have been in fighting, so it'd be a huge loss killing you." Chuuya said with sorrow, looking at his feet.

Suddenly, dazai wrapped his arms around chuuyas waist and pulled him in for a kiss. Chuuya melted into to dazais kiss and placed his hand on the back of the taller head and pulled him closer into the kiss. When they stopped, they were massively out of breath.
"Chuuya..." dazai huffed.
"You're as good of a kisser as you were when you left." Chuuya smirked.

Dazai grinned at chuuyas comment and pulled him into him again. He leaned next to chuuyas ear.
"Yknow what else hasn't changed?" He whispered. Chuuya looked at him for a few seconds before gasping.
"DIRTY!" chuuya shouted before being cut of by a short kiss. He blushed before he said something which shocked dazai.

"prove it."

816 words!! Thanks for reading. Warning (smut next chapter).

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