Moron dazai...

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Dazais sunburn had finally faded away and now looked like a subtle tan. Dazai was happy with this as he was in pain whenever he moved, his body stung. But he was fine now and he eventually went back to his flirty, horny self. Everyone kept their distance, expecially chuuya.

Chuuya had woken up quite early and decided to go outside, where he found akutagwa. Dazai was snoring loudly which bugged chuuya and according to akutagwa, atsushi had kicked him off the bed and took up his space. So that's why he was outside. Chuuya giggled and was about to go for his previously planned walk when he decided to invite akutagwa. They wandered into town and decided to stop at a cafe that was opened. They grabbed a seat and scanned through the menu. Chuuya chose a blubbery muffin and a caramel latte while akutagwa only got a black coffee. He went to order, leaving chuuya sat alone. He had to wait for the things to be prepared so he could bring them to his table.

While he was waiting, he heard a yell and a loud slap. Looking back, he saw chuuya stood angrily with his fists clenched and a man with a red cheek on the floor. Akutagwa grabbed the stuff that had only just been finished and placed them on their table.
"HEY!" he shouted aggressively to chuuya who backed away instantly.
"sit and eat now." akutagwa ordered. Chuuya followed the orders like a scared dog. When akutagwa is annoyed before a coffee you better sit down and obey everything. The angry man in black glared at the guy on the floor. His gaze shot through the man like a thousand bullets, eventually scaring the man away. The man got up and shot out the cafe.

Akutagwa heard whispers in the silence and spun round as fast as light and death stared the people whispering. The people went back to eating and the noise rose back up again. Akutagwa sat back down and sipped his coffee as if nothing happened, leaving chuuya staring down at his food eating slowly.

When they had finished eating they left the cafe and decided to walk along the riverside. It was a little walk path with a few waterfalls, designed for people who want a peaceful day. Chuuya bought them both ice creams and they ate them while walking down the hill next to the waterfall. They found a bench and we're about to sit on it when they found someone. Someone surprising.

Dazai and atsushi.

Chuuya and akutagwa stood there baffled as they noticed that atsushi looked confused.
"atsushi.?" akutagwa questioned. Atsushi turned around surprised then turned back to dazai.
"this is why you wanted t go here? OMG... Dazai, have you planted a tracker on chuuya?" atsushi said, getting straight to the point. Hearing this, chuuya began to search himself when he felt a little lump behind his ear. He pulled whatever it was and found a small black circle. The tracker.

Akutagwa had gone to talk to atsushi and they went to look at the river. Chuuya threw the tracker at dazai, definitely pissed off.

Dazai explained that chuuya was being followed the past week and wanted to keep a check on him. Chuuya forgave dazai and they went to join atsushi and akutagwa but decided not to as they saw the two kissing softly and leaning on each other.

They all went back home together. Akutagwa then announced that he booked a restaurant do the four of them but at two different tables so they could enjoy their lovers company. He then said he booked a bar table for 9 and they could all drink together there. Everyone nodded and smiled as they went to get changed. Dazai and akutagwa had planned this a few days beforehand and got special outfits for atsushi and chuuya. On the bed for chuuya, was a red shirt with a corset and dark red pants and knee high boots. Chuuya looked amazing and dazai was more in love than ever before.

Akutagwa had laid atsushi out two outfits. There was a white corset and a black shirt with puffy sleeves with black pants. There were these platform boots too. Atsushi wore it with red jewellery and a matching ring with aku.

They arrived at the place and sat down. They had an amazing meal and a few alcoholic drinks. When they finished they went to the prebooked bar and found a karaoke machine. Atsushi jumped with excite and chugged a few shots to get prepared.

He got up on the stage super drunk and sang a bunch of old 80s and 90s and 2000s songs. When they decided it was time to go home, dazai had to carry atsushi and akutagwa helped chuuya walk. They got back and atsushi fell asleep on akutagwa on the couch. The others watched the stars and dazai fells asleep on chuuya. Akutagwa and chuuya spoke to each other about how they want to leave the mafia and start a brand new life.

Dazai and chuuya woke up early in the morning to loud banging on their door. Chuuya walked out, dazai plastered to his back. He yawned while asking what atsushi wanted.
"CHUUYA! WE CAN GO BACK HOME! THE PEOPLE WHO TRIED TO GET US HAVE BEEN CAUGHT BY THE MAFIA! WE'RE SAFE." atsushi yelled, waking everyone up but they were happy. Tears ran down atsushis face as they unpacked their stuff and prepared to move out.

Before they went back to their actual homes, chuuya gave atsushi and akutagwa they keys to the building they were at.
"as a gift. Me and dazai never use it, but you two seem to love it." atsushi hugged chuuya and joined akutagwa in the elevator to their floor.

When they got back into their apartment room atsushi bounded around happily, taking in the sent of a nice clean place. He opened the balcony door happily and leaned over the edge.

Suddenly, something caught his eye.
"Aku!" akutagwa ran to atsushi, thinking he was injured.
"WHAT?" he saw atsushi pointing at something.
"aku. The place we were at, was litterly right below us." he said looking over the edge. Rocks covered the top of it but they could tell it was where they were. How didn't they notice it before?

"do you reckon we could use rashomon to go down whenever we want?" atsushi asked excitedly looking at akutagwa. He kissed him and smiled lovingly at his little adhd filled tiger.
"of course kitty" he whispered. Atsushi cuddled into akutagwa and did something aku would have never expected. He purred. Akutagwa cuddled back, feeling his heart squeeze with love.

1136 WORDS! the most I've written in ages OMG! I loved this chapter sm.

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