forgive me jinko?

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Dazai walked away with chuuya in his arms, leaving akutagawa and atsushi to walk home. The walk to atsushis place was long and had an uncomfortable atmosphere. Atsushi was silently freaking out over the dark, trying to not alert akutagawa. The silence was awkward as the diablo tried to force his thoughts on atsushi away. He coughed into his hand and put it back it his pocket as to seem unphased and cool. Atsushi giggled, knowing what he was trying to do.

"Akutagawa... don't act all tough around me, we've known each other for ages." He snickered. All he got was an unbothered shrug from akutagawa. He groaned
"Cmon akuuu" He pleaded, poking akutagawas arm.

He kept prodding at akutagawa until the man dressed I'm black finally got sick of it.
"NAKAJIMA ATSUSHI!" He yelled, grabbing his arm tightly, causing atsushi to wince a little. Atsushi was taken a back but started giggling.
"Please don't shout, it's late and people are trying to sleep." Akutagawa threw atsushis arm back at him and scoffed, coughing into his hand once more.
"Whatever you stupid jinko."

Atsushi looked down at his feet as he was walking. Akutagawa noticed this and kept glancing at him, admiring his beautiful side profile. He kept examining the jinko, looking at his skinny waist and thin neck.
"My hands would look good wrapped around his neck." He thought before completely throwing the idea out. He felt ashamed that he thought of something like that and he mentally face palmed himself. He then started dragging his gaze towards his arms. He stared in horror as he saw atsushi rubbing red marks on his arms.

"Jinko come here." He demanded. Atsushi did as he was told and walked over to him confused. Akutagawa gently took hold of his arm and examined the marks, which he left there.
"Aku, its fine okay. Don't worry about it"
"Atsushi!" He said, startling the tiger.
"I've been awful to you, all you've wanted is to make friends with each other and I completely disrespected that. For that, I'm sorry ji- atsushi..." he said genuinely, holding atsushis shoulders gently, and leaning on his chest. Atsushi smiled and stroked his hair.
"It's alright aku, I know you've been through some rough shit, so I'm not mad."

Akutagawa held him in a tight embrace and tried to hold back tears but failed. All that was heard was akutagawas sniffels. Atsushi felt the warm drops of tears on his shoulder which made his heart hurt.
"Oh aku, you poor thing..." he whispered softly, rubbing akutagawas back in a soothing manner.
"Forgive me jinko?" He pleaded softly.
"Ofcourse I will dummy, I've been waiting for this moment for a while. I can't even express how happy I am." Atsushi smiled, happy tears running down his soft face.

Akutagawa stared at him. He thought for a while as he looked at atsushis stupidly cute face. He leaned in and gave him a small peck on the forehead to stop him from crying. Whether they were happy or not, atsushi crying is not anything anyone would want to see. Akutagawa also smiled gently and atsushi jumped into his arms gleefully and relieved.

"Aku?" He said, still hugging the other. Akutagwa hummed in response.
"Can I stay with you tonight? Kyoka has kenji round." Akutagawa ruffled atsushis hair.
"Sure, whatever." He said putting his hands into his hands around atsushi. Suddenly, he picked up the younger and used rashomon to lift him above the buildings. He jumped across the buildings to his apartment with the jinko, now on his back, holding tightly as not to fall off.

"You good?" He said as he felt the smaller nuzzle into his neck.

Despite being round about the same height, jinko was much lighter and slimmer. Akutagawa scoffed and smiled, reaching the apartment door.

Atsushi had fallen asleep on the way here. Akutagawa thought he was cute like that.

When he got into the apartment bedroom, he took of atsushis shoes, belt and brace so he wasn't uncomfy. He placed the small sleeping tiger in the bed, and taking after dazai, tucked him in and kissed his forehead. What he didn't know was that atsushi was still awake, and smiled happily when akutagawa turned his back.

Akutagawa got undressed and laid on the couch with a thin blanket in just his underwear. He felt happy that atsushi had forgiven him and he fell asleep at peace with himself.

His whole life he had a hole in his heart and he thought it was because he was missing dazais approval, when infant, it was love. Any love. In this moment, it was jinkos.

801 words!! Thanks for reading chapter 2! The next 3 chapters is skk and there might be some smut for you thirsty people ♡♡

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