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"OI! GET BACK HERE YOU BASTARD! STOP!" Someone screamed.

The man (toshi) who was being shouted at, was aggressively stopped by someone and a loud snap was heard. A sudden yelp of pain shot through the sky. Toshi's arm had snapped, his forearm had bent downwards at the middle when he held his arm out 'straight'. He held his elbow as to try support his harm, and he rolled around on his back crying.
"WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM" toshi cried. Akutagawa scoffed.
"YOU STUPID EMO LOOKING WANNABE!" He yelled before getting stood on.
"You know the weretiger? The one YOU were paid to capture?" A voice said.
"Yeah, so what? He's useless to me but that money is what I nee- GAH!" a short and sudden wave of pain shot through him. Tears fell down his face again.

"Listen bitch, you nearly fucking killed atsushi, if it wasn't for yosano, he'd be dead and if he died, you'd join him." A soft but stern voice. Ranpo.

"Y-yosano?" Toshi said straining his voice in pain. Ranpo glared at him, crossing his arms, clearly confused at the nan repeating her name.
"Ayye, the beautiful lady who stopped me from killing the tiger?" He smirked, Then coughed up blood. Ranpo scoffed and bent down grabbing his hair.
"Perv." He spat, popping the 'p'. The man grunted.

Chuuya came from the alleyway and stared at the disgusting human infornt of him.
"Oi, what do we do with him? We ain't killing him yet. We need info, right?" Ranpo nodded.

Akutagawa wrapped rashomon around the man, gripping at his hands causing him to cry out again. Akutagawa got annoyed and wrapped rashomon around toshi's arm where it had broke and mercilessly, snapped it back. The man's screams were earpeircing but they died down when he felt a tingly feeling in his arm. He knew it was going to be fine. He was then retrained by handcuffs which chuuya put on him.

Chuuya took him back to the hospital where dazai was asleep, yosano was holding him and the tanizaki twins were playing monopoly. Kunikida was pacing up and down the waiting room. The others had been gone looking for the man for atleast a few good hours. Kunikida spotted them.

"GOD, ITS BEEN 5½ HOURS. I CALLED AND CALLED." kunikida shouted. He then took a deep breath and hugged ranpo, chuuya and akutagawa, which everyone thought was strange.
"Thank GOD youre all safe though." He went to sit back down when he noticed the man. He glared angrily and took him from chuuya, who nodded and smiled as if to say, 'He's all yours'.

They asked the nurses for a spare room and luckily there was one available. Kunikida got his notebook out and took akutagawa and chuuya with him. Ranpo wanted to stay behind to see yosano and get some food.

"Tell us everything." Kunikida said, sounding intimidating. Obviously it wasn't enough as toshi scoffed and spat on kunikidas shoe. Kunikida stared in disgust at toshi. Akutagawa grabbed him by the collar and pulled toshi right up to his face.
"Tell. Us. Everything." He warned.
"Or what?" Toshi said trying to come across as brave, but seemed scared.
"Or what huh?" Akutagwa laughed, "ill take your arms and pop them out of there sockets, then using rashomon i will skin your legs from the thigh all the way down." He looked at chuuya, "want to add?" Chuuya shook his head.
"Don't think I need to."

Toshi was staring at akutagawa in horror and began to let everything spill.

When he had finally told them everything, chuuya thanked him and nodded at akutagawa, who then snapped the guys neck aggressively.
"And that's for my boyfriend. Twat." He said in a tone you would use if he had just stood in dog shit. They walked out to find dazai awake.

Dazai ran over to chuuya and picked him up, hugging him. Chuuyas legs were wrapped around dazais waist, but he couldn't care less anymore. He hugged dazai back. The suicidal maniac then sat down on a seat with chuuya on his lap. Chuuya smiled and buried his face into his lovers neck. Kunikida started pacing again and akutagawa sat down waiting for an update. 3 hours later. A doctor.

Akutagawa stood up desperately. He and kunikida were the only ones awake.
"HOW IS HE?" Akutagwa said, worried. He was freaking out until he felt kunikidas strong, reassuring grip on his shoulder.
"There were some complications so he's staying here for a few days, he needs oxygen from the machine for 2 days, after that, he just needs to be observed but he'll he'll perfectly fine we hope." The doctor smiled and bowed to the two men. All fo a sudden, akutagawas knees buckled and he felt relieved. They woke everyone else up and they all went to see atsushi.

"Oh my poor jinko." Akutagawa whispered softly, kissing one of the tigers hands he was holding.

856 words!! Thank you, next chapter will be a little shorter as I can't be bothered at the moment. I have school shit going on 😍.

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