Chuuya Dont..

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In the evening after atsushi and akutagwa fell asleep on the couch, soukoku were also enjoying each other's company. Dazai had chuuya pinned to the bed as chuuya was trying to fight dazai and beat him up. Dazai giggled at his little ginger struggling under him. The suicidal maniac grabbed chuuya waist, letting go of his hands. He sat up, pulling chuuya onto him so the ginger was straddling him.
"awwe, how cute of you chuu~" dazai giggled. Chuuya scoffed and pushed himself off dazai, slightly annoyed, but excited deep down inside.

In the morning when dazai and chuuya walked outside to see the sunset, they ended up laughing their asses off at the sight infront of them.

Atsushi was lead with his feet hanging from the back of the couch and his head hanging off the bottom. And akutagwa was whole other story. Rashomon had activeated while he was sleeping and hand lifted him up in his sleep. His head and left leg were dangling from the top of the bed he made himself. In addition, Rashomon had subconsciously grabbed one of atsushis arms, lifting it up, causing the were tigers back to be twisted.

Dazai and chuuya doubled over laughing histerically which woke the two up. Rashomon disappeared instantly, dropping atsushis leg and akutagwa onto the floor. When atsushi sat up, he felt fine. He then attempted to stand but he ended up being hella fucking dizzy, causing him to collapse onto the floor. Chuuya ran to him and helped him up giggling.

Everyone looked back at akutagwa who had fallen back to sleep and was sprawled on the sand. Dazai picked him up, draping him over his shoulder. Atsushi had also fallen back to sleep in chuuya Arms. Soukoku put the two to bed and tucked them in.

After they had tucked shin soukoku in bed, dazai decided to plan a date while chuuya was washing up. He wrote a note on what he wanted to do in the day and then he went into the bathroom when chuuya was done. Chuuya walked into their room and found the note on the bed and smiled warmly as he red the date plan.

When the two had gotten themselves ready, they checked on the other two who were snoring and cuddling. Dazai wrote them a little note on where they were going.

Dazai held chuuyas hand and took him to the car and drive him through the countryside and into yokohama town. Dazai took chuuya into the clothes shops and wandered around behind him as he was dumbfounded by all the cool clothes he saw. Dazai promised to carry all the stuff chuuya wanted and he decided as chuuya started buying things he regretted it. He was already holding two bags, one with two pairs of shoes and one with a leather jacket and three shirts. Chuuya got a nivarna, queen and Hollywood undead shirt. Dazai was impressed by chuuyas choices.

When chuuya had finished buying all the stuff he wanted, dazai took him to his favourite fancy restaurant. Chuuya ordered the usual meal he gets which is thick juicy gammon, eggs, chunky chips and beans with finely grated cheese. Dazai ordered a salad.

When their food arrived, their drinks came a little after, and chuuya was worried for dazai who hadn't eaten properly. The bandaged man was poking at his salad with his elbow on the table, looking unappitized and disgusted. When chuuya finished eating, he walked over to dazai and knelt down hugging his waist.
"I know it's hard dazai, but please eat." chuuya whispered, taking a sip of his own wine.
Dazia nodded and hugged him back, taking a fork full of food and eating it. Chuuya kissed his forehead and sat down to finish his wine. When they finished, chuuya paid and took dazai to the river.

Dazai stared at the water thinking about the times where he tried to kill himself before. He looked sad and disappointed in himself. Chuuya held his hand and kissed it.
"accept it dazai. This world doesnt want you to leave just yet." dazai began to sob at his lovers words.

They stayed at the river until nightfall and when the stars came out. Dazai was lead in between chuuyas legs and snuggled into his thighs. Suddenly, a shooting star flew past.

(Dangerously yours reference btw)
"Oh look dazai, a shooting star! Did you make a wish?" chuuya said excitidly.
"Ugh, I didn't have time." dazai scoffed.
"Then there is something that you wish for?"
"Then what is it that you wish for?"
"I wish.. we were two other people." dazai weeped, "two people that need not say goodbye.." a tear fell down the ex mafia executives face. Chuuya kissed his cheek and wiped away the tear.
"chuuya no... Don't, I need to cry. "

They cuddled again then began to make their way back, finding atsushi and akutagwa jumping around the fireplace. It reeked of booze but dazai and chuuya had already smelt it worse before.

They picked up one of the five bottles that were still full and chugged half of it between them. They joined atsushi and akutagwa in dancing and singing.

They ended up going to bed past 12 and collapsing. They all fell asleep rather quickly and the night ended peacefully.

Until atsushi woke up half the fucking world with his vomiting. (he had chuuged at least 4 bottles of wine and a bottle of vodka to himself s you can't blame him).

934 words! I changed the dangerously yours reference from shin soukoku to soukoku cause it suits them better. Hope you enjoyedddd!!!

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