Cheers To The New Job

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Knock knock.

Atsushi ran to the door and opened it to see chuuya and dazai at the doorway.
"yay you cameee!" atsushi cheered, hugging the both of them, "come in." he moved out of the way.

Chuuya went to the kitchen to but the bottles of wine on the side and dazai followed to put the beer in the fridge. All 3 then made their way in and sat on the couch, saying high to akutagwa, who atsushi had practically taped to the furniture so he wouldn't try get up and do work. Akutagwa had been under strict rules.

Atsushi had been going away with gin to get atsushi a new job in the mafia since the agency wasn't paying enough and the mafia pays godly amounts. When he had gone away with gin after the accident with akutagwa, he made sure ranpo came to take care of him. He also told ranpo that he was joining the mafia which made the sweet tooth want to join even more.

Atsushi got ranpo and himself a job in the mafia. All he had to prove was that he had the guts to kill, hide bodies and smuggle ext. Atsushi easily showed them up and told them about ranpo. He said to mori that ranpo had already stolen and smuggled. Stolen sweets and smuggled edibles of course, but that was irrelevant as they didn't ask what he smuggled. Ranpo still needed to prove to the mafia in person but he got the job.

Suddenly, the door flung open, revealing ranpo and poe. Ranpo was carrying a bottle of vodka while poe had whiskey. They put them in the fridge and joined the others. Atsushi and akutagwa were sat on a two seater while the other four were sat on a three seater. Chuuya was unwillingly sat on dazai but couldn't be arsed moving so he stayed there and eventually got comfy and snuggled into dazai neck.

Atsushi brought out cluedo, monopoly and uno while chuuya went to get the drinks. Atsushi came in with the games and then decided to get a small chair for himself so chuuya had somewhere to sit. As he was getting the chair, something fell and smack him on the head. He get a sharp pain but other than that he was OK. He brought the chair in and they all started to play and drink.

A few minutes later, he felt a little dizzy but chose to ignore it. He reached to the back of his head and felt a dent. When he pulled his hand away, bits of glass covered in blood were on his hand. He stared at it stunned, he then reached back again and felt a large shard of glass.
"shit." he thought to himself.

He tried to pull out the glass silently but winced when he began pulling. Ranpi noticed and instantly knew something was wrong.
"atsu? What's the matter?" he asked, leaning up from poes cuddle.
"nothing ranpo, don't worry." he said hiding his hand.
"i uhm, need the toilet, I'll be back." he said, trying to keep the back of his head out of their view, it would heal soon anyways. He just ahd t get the glass out before it did. Akutagwa saw it.
"atsushi, come here." he said.

Atsushi walked over hiding his head still. Akutagwa pulled atsushi down and pinned him so he couldn't get back up.
"dazai, you mind taking this out for him?" he said calmly, God knows how he stayed calm, probably because atsushi wasn't freaked. Dazai came and pulled it out gently, scooping out a few other little bits too.

Atsushis head began to heal faster and soon enough, the wound was gone. They all went back to what they were doing as if nothing happened.

A few hours later and everyone was extremely drunk, singing and laughing. Dazia had fallen asleep and everyone decided to play buckaroo with him.
"WOOO!" chuuya yelled from behind the kitchen counter as a cheese string came flying at dazai.
"OMG AKUU, IT'S DAZAIROO! C atsushi screamed as he snapped a breadstick and put one in each of dazai ears. Akutagwa and poe weren't drinking as aku had a headache and didn't want to worsen it and poe had to drive him and ranpo home.

"ALEXA!" atsushi shouted, "PLAY COTTON EYE JOE!" he started laughing. Cotton eye Joe started playing and the the three drunks who were awake began dancing. Just then, a loud slap could be heard. They all looked at the slap, which came from dazai and found a slice of ham perfectly on his cheek. Ranpo was behind the counter pissing himself when another slice of ham went flying. But not at dazai this time.

"FUCK YOU ALL!" dazai screamed as he ripped the breadsticks out of his ears. Ranpo was lead on the floor, peeling the ham from his forehead laughing. Poe picked him up and decided it was time to head home. He dragged Ranpo to the car and left.

Dazai had gone to sulk in the guest room and chuuya had gone to join him. Atsushi was helping akutagwa into bed whether he needed it or not. When akutagwa was safely tucked in, he attempted to get into bed but ended up collapsing on the floor leaving akutagwa staring at him. Instead of helping the snoozing tiger, he fell asleep himself and left him there.

In the other room, dazai had fallen asleep again and chuuya was undressing, wobbling all over the place. This woke dazai up and he went to help chuuya, earning a slap which indicated chuuya did not want help. Dazai got back in bed and watched as chuuya fell over, got back up and fell over again. He rolled over and felt his lover eventually get into bed and snuggle up into his back.
"mhhhh dazai, tell atsushi I said congfratsss.."
"congfrats? Honestly chuu.."

1009 WORDS! HOPE YOU ENJOYED MY LOVLIES. once again I made a little random funny-is one x.

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