my cutie (smut)

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Time skip<<

It had been few weeks after atsushi was discharged from the hospital, and everyone had gone back to normal. Atsushi still wasn't allowed to leave the house, and akutagawa decided to stay with him. They doctors wanted to make sure atsushi healed fully and didn't open any wounds. He had 2 weeks left until he was allowed to start working again.

Akutagawa had gone out to get the shopping done and atsushi was left alone. He put some music on and started to clean the house. He had finished cleaning everything and decided to hoover. While he was hoovering, some upbeat songs came on and he swing his hips to the rhythm of the music. He was wearing shorts that were too small and he was wearing one of akutagawas white shirts. What he didn't realise was that akutagwa had just come home and
Was watching him in the doorway, with shopping bags hanging from his arms. Atsushi continued to dance unknowing of akutagawas presence until akutagawa coughed to get his attention. Atsushi swivelled round, letting the hoover drop. He covered his face in embarrassment as akutagawa placed the bags on the kitchen counter and walked over to him, hugging him.

"That was fun to watch darling." Akutagawa said in atsushis ear, sending shivers through him. Atsushi felt a hand run down his back and cup his ass.
"A-aku..." atsushi grumbled, getting flustered and a little turned on. Akutagawa grinned and lifted atsushis chin up, kissing him gently. He gradually got more rough with every movement and soon got his tounge involved. Atsushi moaned into the kiss causing akutagawa to get hard. He cursednunder his breath and lust began to fill his heart as he looked at his tiger.

Atsushi was still 2 weeks away from being allowed to do stuff even though he was fully healed 5 days ago. The doctors wanted to make sure he didn't tear anything, but atsushi knew aku was hard and didn't care. Akutagawa cab stitch so if it tears they can't stitch him again. Atsushi pushed akutagawa onto the couch and straddled him. Quickly, he yanked off akutagwas pants and shirt, then removing his own straight after. They were soon both only in their underwear, and atsushis warm skin and akus cold skin were rubbing against each other. They both moaned lightly at the touch of each other. They were both quite sensitive to each other.

Atsushi took off akutagawas boxers and revealed the hard on he had. Atsushi grinned and placed one hand on it, and started to slowly pump it. Akutagawa groaned quietly at the pleasuring sensation. Soon enough, atsushis tongue was swirling around the tip of akutagawas dick, then he took the whole thing in his mouth. It was so good that akutagwa came almost instantly.

When atsushi pulled away, his face and chest was covered in akus cum, this just got the both of them hard again. Atsushi knelt above akutagwas dick so he was hovering over it and suddenly slid down. He moaned at the sudden load of it and watched as akutagawa threw his head back. He felt his hole stretch a little and felt a bit of pain, but soon enough he was okay and felt pleasure.

Atsushi rode akutagawa aggressively for a while until akutagawa decided he wanted to do things his way. He grabbed atsushi and pushed him onto his back, still inside him. He started thrusting, earning moans from the younger. He thrusted slowly then out of nowhere, went hard and agressive, causing atsushi to moaned loudly.

After atleast 20 minutes, akutagawa ended up finding atsushis prostate and it caused the little tiger to make different kind of noises than before. Akutagawa grinned as he thrusted into atsushi, hitting the most sensitive spot there was. Moans and whimpers escaped atsushi as akutagawa thrusted slowly. Randomly, akutagawa picked up the speed and all that was heard from the weretiger were no longer moans, but agressive, pleasured whimpers. Akutagawa grinned at the mess he made and soon finished. They both came at the same time, a loud grunt escaping both of them.

Once they had cleaned up, atsushi had fallen asleep on the couch. Akutagawa brought him to their bed and checked his scar quickly.
"Still keeping it together." He whispered grinning. He then got into bed with atsushi and hugged him. He smiled warmly as his heart tensed up at the sight. Then he put on the Trueman show and fell asleep with the tiger cuddled up like a ball in his arms.


779 words! Ill write 3 or 4 more chapters tomorrow and get this book finished soon!

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