jinko.. i love you too

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In the middle of the night, akutagawa woke up to a loud bang. He looked over next to him to see atsushi was missing. He sat there shocked.
"JINKO!" He yelled. A muffled yelp was his only response, followed by another crash. He got up out of bed and ran to the living room to see some guy with his hand covering atsushis nose and mouth.
"ATSUSHI! HEY! LET GO OF HIM." he screamed. The man glared at him and tried to walk away with atsushi when a sharp pain rushed through him. His body went limp and he fell to the floor, dropping atsushi. Akutagawa had used rashomon to peice him.

Akutagawa rushed to atsushi and helped him up. He examined him and found nothing, he let out a relieved breath. The man was shuffling around, still alive. Akutagawa placed his foot on his back, crushing his spine. He held atsushi by his side to keep him safe.
"Who else knows this place." He spat.
"3, 3 other people." The man said, coughing up blood. Akutagawa snapped his neck and left his dead body on the floor.
"Let's move to the beach front atsushi." He grinned and atsushi smiled back, ignoring the dead man. For now, they went back to bed.

(A few days later)

Akutagawa and atsushi had packed away everything and got ready to move. Akutagawa had lots of money so he was able to buy a house rather quickly. They got to the house which was so much bigger than last time and had a balcony facing the ocean.

Atsushi put his bags down when they got inside and jumped around excitedly.
"I finally get to live with the love if my life." He whispered under his breath.
"What was that jinko?" He said confused. Atsushi shook his head.
"N-NOTHING!" He said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
Akutagawa stared at him and shook his head laughing.
"Alright then jinko."

He began to unpack his bags as jinko looked around the apartment. He went to the balcony.
"AKU! wouldn't my plants look pretty on this balcony? And we could put deck chairs here! And the fairy wrapped around the banister!" He said jumping around excitedly.
"Calm down jinko, you're too cute when your excited." He smiled, causing atsushi to get flustered.
"D-dont say t-that! I'm not c-cute." He stammered, burying his face in his hands.

They continued to unpack until everything had been sorted. It was a one bedroom apartment but atsushi wasn't bothered. He was excited to sleep with akutagawa every night.

He was really happy since tomorrow he would be selling his own apartment, getting a lot of money so he could spend it on akutagawa. He wanted to get akutagawa some gifts as akutagawa buys him loads and he feels bad for not being able to pay him back.

When everything had been put in its places, it was late and the sun was setting. Atsushi looked out at the ocean and stared in awe at how the sun reflected on the water. He smiled warmly. Akutagawa noticed this.
"Jinko, go on a walk along the beach with me?" He requested. Atsushi nodded gleefully and took akutagawas hand.
"Get changed into something summery though, I will too.

Akutagawa went to get changed and wore dark brown shorts, black trainers and a white t shirt. He waited for atsushi and felt absolutely inlove when he came out wearing blue shorts, black trainers and akutagawas black shirt.
"Sorry ryu, I couldn't find my own."
"Don't worry atsushi, you look good in it." Akutagawa smiled warmly. Atsushi smiled back.

They were walking along the beach when they found a beach towel, unoccupied. They sat on it and watched the sun and listened to how the waves moved. Atsushi held akutagawas arm and lead his head on his shoulder, still watching the sun. He then looked up and saw how beautiful akutagawa looked, his side profile was georgous, and the way the sun illuminated his dull eyes. But his eyes never had seemed dull to atsushi. Not ever did akutagawas grey eyes look dull or plain or boring. Atsushi stared until akutagawa noticed.
"If you keep staring at me, you'll regret it." Atsushi seemed confused but ignored it looking back at the sun.

"You're eyes aren't ugly."

Akutagawa stared at atsushi who was looking at the sun, his eyes warm and truthful. Akutagawa smiled and ruffled atsushis hair.
"I heard you earlier." Atsushi looked up confused.
"Heard what?" Akutagawa leaned of and whispered in his ear.

"You're also the love of my life."

Atsushi fell back and covered his mouth in shock and embarrassment.
"Y-YOU HEARD THAT!?" He yelled.
Akutagawa nodded. Atsushi got all flustered at hearing akutagawa say he loves him too and started mubling under his breath when he was cut off. Cut off with a gentle passionate kiss from none other, than ryunosuke akutagawa. He kissed back and smiled.

"I love you atsushi."
"I love you too ryunosuke."

They went back to the apartment and put a movie on, and fell asleep in each others arms.

882 Words!! Thank you again! There won't be any smut for a few chapters by the way! I hope you enjoyed. Love you all!!

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