good morning my raven~

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It's been a week since the incident and for some unknown reason, atsushi still haven't woken up and had gotten worse. He had to have another 2 surgeries, one to remove an internal bleed that was missed and one for his spine as it got scraped in the attack. When he was definitely surgery free, they allowed visitors. He still hadn't woken though.


Later on~

Dazai and chuuya walked into atsushis room hand in hand, chuuyas head resting on dazais shoulder. They found akutagawa asleep on the chair, a tight grip of atsushis hand. Dazai shook him awake. When he woke, he still didn't let go of the tiger he felt so much love for.
"Let's go, visiting hours are over." Dazai said, stroking akutagawas back soothingly. Akutagawa stared at him with a few hopeless tears in his eyes. Dazai then bent down and wrapped his ams around akutagawas neck and hugged him tightly.
"Don't worry little blackbird, we'll come back tomorrow."

Dazais comment made akutagawa tear up. Salty water were spilt from his eyes and sobbing noises came from his mouth. He hugged dazai back and they stayed there for a few minutes. When they pulled away, akutagawas tears were dry and he was smiling. They looked back at chuuya who was hugging atsushi.
"Cya later tiger." He said grinning, and walked out, following dazai and akutagwa, who had been waiting patiently in the doorway. They walked to a bar down the road.

"Should we go back to mine after we've drank?" Akutagwa suggested, "it's the closest and I have 2 spare bedrooms, but I doubt you'll need 2." Akutagawa sighed at the last part.

They sat down at a table in the corner and ordered a few pints of lagar. Akutagawa ended up drinking more than chuuya, 17 pints. He wasn't a lightweight so he had only started getting drunk at pint number 10. Him and chuuya went to the karaoke machine and sang queen songs. The last song akutagawa sang was somebody to love, and he was super drunk at this point.

When they made it to akus place~

Dazai and chuuya got drinks of water and went to the bedroom while akutagawa collapsed on the couch. He lead there pondering for a while and started getting angry at himself.
"I should have been better. I haven't said I love him properly so if he dies. And I haven't said goodbye..." akutagawa mumbled to himself in disgust and rage. He punched the couch and cried silently, eventually falling asleep.


Akutagawa sat up to see dazai shaking him vigorously.
Akutagawa sat up, a mortified look on his face when he noticed a bug cheesy grin on both dazais and chuuyas face. They all got dressed quickly and drove to hospital.

Akutagawa burst through the doors of atsushis room to find him sitting up and smiling at ranpo and yosano, who were crying. Atsushi looked over and smiled warmly. Akutagawa let out a large breath and ran over to atsushi.
"Oh my love, how I've missed you." He said sqeezing atsushi tight. Atsushi wrapped his arms around his waist and nuzzled into his chest. The others left akutagawa and atsushi alone.

Akutagawa got onto the bed and snuggled into atsushi, crying a little. Atsushi stroked his cold, icy black hair and kissed his forehead. It was atleast 1am, so everyone was still tired, resulting in them leaving to go home. Only akutagawa stayed and he eventually started yawning.

"Get some sleep my raven." Atsushi whispered and akutagawa fell asleep instantly.


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