ying and yang

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"Jinko. Dazai invited us to go shopping. Apparently chuuya is still sleeping so he's not coming." Akutagawa said to atsushi who was snuggled up on his chest on the couch. He nodded into the older chest and yawned. He got up and went to put his outfit on, he found a few chains lying about so he borrowed them.

He walked out abd Akutagawa had changed too. Akutagwa looked back at atsushi and froze. He looked atsushi up and down smirking.
"Trying to seduce me?" He said in a flirty way jokingly. He didn't expect atsushi to rub his body up and down him and reply with
"Maybe I am, you never know."

Akutagawas face turned a noticeable shade of red and atsushi giggled, kissing his cheek playfully.
"Sorry ryu, let's get going shall we?" He grabbed Akutagawas hand and dragged him outside, where dazai was waiting in the car. Atsushi got into the back and akutagawa sat in the front. He felt bad leaving atsushi sat alone, so he held his hand back for atsushi to hold, which to his relief, he did. Dazai smiled and winked at akutagawa in a congratulating motion.

They reached the shopping centre and atsushi hopped out of the car excitedly.
"Why are you so happy atsushi?" Dazai smiled. Atsushi rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.
"Well, you see... I've never actually been to a shopping centre before..." he said awkwardly.
"Huh, what!?" Akutagwa said annoyed. He grabbed atsushis arm and dragged him into the building.
"I'm going to make this the best day of your life, whatever you like I'm buying it for you." He spat and stormed off with atsushi, leaving dazai by himself.

Dazai wandered into the shopping centre and went into the food section where he found the sweet Isle.

With akutagawa and atsushi:

"Ryuu!! You don't have to get me that just because I stopped to look at it. I didn't know what it was." Atsushi laughed. Akutagawa scoffed and put it down. Atsushi walked over to akutagawa and kissed his cheek.
"Listen ryu, if I find anything I like, I'll tell you, and you can buy it me, deal?" He said gleefully, holding both of akutagawas hands infront of him. Akutgawa blushed slightly and nodded hesitatantly.

They met back up with dazai outside a restaurant and got a table. Atsushi ordered a cheese burger, dazai ordered a burger aswell, but with salad and a bowl of cheesy chips, akutagawa ordered pizza with a salad side.

While the food was being prepared atsushi began to feel sick so he excused himself to go to the bathroom. He ended up throwing up but he didn't feel any better. He decided to go back and hope for the best and the food was there when he arrived. He sat down and smiled at the waiter who had just brought it to the table.

He picked up the burger and took a bite. When he swallowed, he instantly had throw up, but he kept it down the best he could. He sat there with his hand in a fist covering his mouth.

Akutagawa noticed while dazai didn't as he was too busy burying his face into his meal.
"Jinko?" Akutagwa said concerned, putting everything down and placing his hand on atsushis. Atsushi looked up with teary eyes.
"Hey, hey jinko. It's okay, what's wrong?" Akutagwa said while he walk round to hug atsushi. The tiger turned round to face him, and akutagawa knelt down by his knees. He held atsushis hands while knelt infront of him and atsushi began to cry.
"Jinko... tell me what the problem is." He said sternly. Atsushi bent over and buried his face into his hands, crying softly.

"Akutagawa.. I'm in so much pain." Atsushi said, "everything hurts and I dont know why, I was fine this morning, then suddenly." He cried. Akutagawa was a little scared as he barley ever sees atsushi cry.
"It's okay, well take you home?" Akutagawa said, stroking atsushis arm. Atsushi shook his head.
"No, I need to finish my food. Its not fair to leave it." He said turning back to the table. Akutagawa scooted himself next to atsushi and pulled him so he was lead on his chest. He stroked atsushis hair to calm him down and atsushi ate his food in little bits. After he'd eaten ¾ of his food he fell asleep.

Soon after, dazai and akutagawa finished eating too. Akutagawa woke atsushi up and helped him get up to start walking. They walked to the car slowly. Dazai helped Akutagawa get atsushi in the back seat of the car. Akutagawa then got into the back aswell, and lead atsushi down l, which resulted on him falling asleep again. The diablo grinned at the sight and kissed his forehead.

"Silly jinko."

When they got to akutagawas, atsushi woke up. He sat up slowly and looked around. Him and akutagawa got out the car and akutagawa leaned through the passenger window to thank dazai. Atsushi had already started to make his way to the apartment when dazai stopped akutagawa.
"Keep him safe ryunosuke, don't let anything bad happen to him please." He said. "And also, I'm proud of you ryu." He smiled, then rolled up his window and drove off. Akutagawa felt a tear roll down his cheek as he saw dazais car drive away. He smiled and turn to atsushi, who was stumbling all over.

He ran over to help him, but before he got there, atsushi had collapsed.
"ATSUSHI!." he yelled, frantically running to him. He picked him up bridal style, and quickly got into the apartment. He went to the bathroom and placed him om the bathmat, running a bath. Atsushi woke up and mumbled something but akutgawa didn't hear. He tugged on akutagwas shirt as he left his cloak on the couch in the living room, which caught his attention.
"Hmm?" He said, kneeling siren to undress atsushi.
"Bath.. with me, please. " He said holding his hand. Akutagawa nodded while taking off atsushis pants.

"Jinko, are you okay with me undressing you?"
Atsushi nodded and smiled causing the diablo to giggle. He took all of atsushis clothes off, then his own. He put atsushi into the bath and joined him, sitting behind him. They interlocked fingers and settled down, letting the warm water engulf them.

"Can we live together? Kyoka is planning on living with kenji and i don't want to live alone."
"Ofcourse jinko, you can stay with me."
Atsushi giggled happily.

"Cmon now, let's get you into bed." Akutagawa insisted. Atsushi nodded and let Akuatgawa do all the work, drying him, putting pyjamas on him, and tucking him in.

"Ryu. Let me pay you back." He mumbled. Akutagawa raised a non existent eyebrow at his request?
"How do you mean?"
"You've done loads for me, so when I'm better, let me do something for you. Whatever you want, whenever you want." He said sternly.
"No need jinko." Akutagawa said smiling, and kissing his forehead.
"No please, I beg! I'd feel so bad if I didn't repay the favor."
"Alright then, at some point, you can pay me back."
Atsushi nodded his head and wrapped his hands around akutagawas waist, pulling him down to lie next to him. Akutgawa hugged back, and draped the covers over them both. They cuddled and soon fell asleep.

1257 Words!! The most I've done so far!!! Thanks for all this support on this story and my other story! I love you all ♡♡

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