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"How was work my Queen?" T'Challa's quiet voice intruded the quietness of the room. Stephen and Loki had brought you to the Avengers HQ. Specifically the library, where the three of you had been quietly reading.

You looked up from a book that was a information guide on Wakanda and other worlds and extremely interesting to smile at T'Challa.

"It was good King T'Challa." You had always had a bit of a thing for calling everyone by their proper title.

He chuckled, taking a seat next to you. "You may just call me T'Challa my Queen."

"What did you do today then, T'Challa?" You asked curiously.

"Shuri, Okoye, and I have been exploring more of the sights." T'Challa said. "America is certainly a fascinating country."

"Wakanda looks beautiful." You complimented, motioning to the book you'd been reading, "From the few pictures that are in here."

"One day you will see all of it." He promised.

"Hey it's Y/N!" Another voice said. You were startled before you saw Clint leaping from the vents. You raised an eyebrow in surprise, though none of the others seemed to think this was out of the ordinary.

Clint scooped you up into a big hug that you surprisingly felt comforting, even if you hadn't talked to him before. You found yourself hugging him back almost immediately.

"Hello Clint." You said with a shy smile.

"What? No 'Mr. Barton'?" Clint pouted.

You were taken back a little, "Er- I'm sorr-"

He smirked, ruffling your hair a little, an action you immediately found endearing. "Teasing, just teasing."

"Oh, by the way." Clint said, snatching your phone our of your back pocket, tapping away at it, "I'm going to add your phone number to the group chat the twelve of us are going to have so that we can be in contact with you."

You crossed your arms, "And you think you can just magically get into my phone?"

He handed it back to you and you were dumbfounded to find that he had, in fact, gotten into your phone, already having added your number to the group chat.

Clint chuckled, "Don't underestimate the mastermind darling."

"Thought that was Mr. Stark." You muttered.

"No, that's the genius." Clint said with another laugh. You chuckled too.

"Stephen." Loki murmured.


"The library is getting loud."


Without looking up from the book, Stephen waved his hand. An orange portal went around Clint, T'Challa, and I, dropping us off in another room before retracting, leaving Loki and Stephen in the library.

"They're not mad at me, right?" You asked, fearful for a split second.

"Nah." Clint said. "But they're like those really strict librarians with the 'no talking'. Well unless Stephen and Tony are getting it on, ya know?"

Shuri and Okoye came through the hallway, holding hands. You hadn't noticed that their bands matched each other. They were a cute couple though. Shuri let go of Okoye's hand to hug me again, which I returned much quicker than before.

The rest of the day was spent with Clint and T'Challa. They showed me around the Avengers Tower. I got to see Tony who was in the lab but he didn't abandon his work to hang with us. I didn't mind to much though. We also saw Steve, Bucky, and Sam working out in the gym, but we didn't even go in, simply walking past the doors.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now