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P.S.- from here on out, your sister's boyfriends is 'Ben'. 

You gasped for breath, clawing at his metal hand frantically. He squeezed tighter, his normally twinkling blue eyes were dead, soulless and unseeing. He wasn't actually here, he wasn't awake.

You kicked out, trying to connect with any part of his body that would make him drop you.

"B-Bucky." Your voice rasped.

You could hear pounding footsteps down the corridor as your vision started to go black, dots scattering slightly.

Someone burst through the door, slamming into Bucky and you. Bucky released you and you fell into a pair of arms that pulled you halfway across the room as you gasped for breath.

As your vision started to clear up, you saw that Steve was the one that had tackled Bucky, Thor helping him, and you were in Tony's arms, Fury and Rhodey each kneeling on either side of you to see if you were okay.

Bucky suddenly came to and the fighting stopped. He glanced around, obviously disoriented about where he was. "W-what happened?" He grunted out. His voice was hoarse and his body was shaking slightly.

Tony was about to speak angrily when you said, "You just. . . had a bad dream I think."

Bucky looked down at you, confusion on his face, "What are you doing on the ground doll?"

And then horror filled his face as he came to the conclusion about why you were on the ground. He looked at his hand for a second and then immediately ran from the room.


You felt terrible, quickly moving out of Tony's arms to stand up. You wobbled slightly, putting a hand down on Fury's shoulder in order to stabilize yourself.

Steve and Sam had both already hurried after Bucky and ignoring Tony's shout of warning, you were hurrying after the three of them as well.

You ran past Stephen in a blur, barely hearing him call after you, wondering what had happened.

You found Steve, Sam, and Bucky in the gym. Bucky had his face in his hands, his long brunette hair a curtain around his face. Sam stood in front of him while Steve was sitting next to him on his left side, a hand on his shoulder.

Sam and Steve both looked up when you entered, but Bucky didn't.

"Buck?" You asked cautiously as you moved to stand next to Sam.

Bucky flinched a little, leaning back to be as close to the wall and as far from you as possible.

"Buck, I'm alright." You said, trying not to clear you throat at that moment, because naturally, you wanted to cough. Your throat was killing you, but you weren't scared of Bucky. It hadn't been him.

You slowly knelt in front of him, putting one hand on his knee. He twitched, but didn't move away. That was a good sign- probably.

"Bucky?" You asked, rubbing soothing circles on his knee like Rhodey did with you all the time. "Talk to me?"

"I'm sorry doll." Bucky's voice was husky. "Sometimes I forget I'm a danger to you."

You shook your head, "I'm fine. Really. Throat is a little sore, but I can barely feel it really. It wasn't you and you know that. So stop being so stubborn and let me hug you."

Bucky's lips twitched into a bit of a smile. "I would like a hug doll." He admitted. "I'm a bit broken."

You heart practically melted as you stood up, straddling his lap, wrapping you arms around his neck. "I love you Bucky Barnes. You should remember that, no matter what."

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now