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You were still thirsty as you waited for the soldiers. You went to get out of bed, your knees immediately giving out, falling to the floor. You heard running footsteps and Steve and Bucky were there immediately, picking you up to put you back on the bed.

"You alright doll?" Bucky asked quickly as Sam picked up the cup, running to the bathroom to get you some more water.

"I forgot I couldn't walk." Your lips lifted up into an embarrassed smile. Bucky chuckled a little, taking the glass from Sam so that you could drink from it. Once you had drained it, they asked if you needed anymore water. You shook your head and they started to peel off their boxers, climbing onto the bed around you.

"Alright babe." Sam said, "How about you go ahead and start off by sucking Bucky over there."

You nodded eagerly, kneeling in front of Bucky's large form. You took the base of his prick in one hand, licking it slowly from base to tip before sliding it down your sore throat. Bucky's metal hand twisted into your hair, but he was very careful to make sure that he didn't use you, as he knew your throat was probably sore already.

Sam meanwhile as off to the side, sucking Steve off while Steve jerked Sam's cock. You moaned around Bucky's length, feeling arousal start to drip down your thighs.

"You like watching them doll?" Bucky's voice was suddenly low and husky, his hands moving your hair out of your face, turning it into a makeshift ponytail so that you could watch the other two even closer. "You like watching Sammy suck the great Captain America's cock while you suck off your sergeant?"

Your whine was pathetic as you took even more of him down your throat, the vibrations from your moan making a guttural groan fall from Buck's lips. He moved your hair to his flesh hand, running his metal hand down your back. It actually felt really good, cooling off your skin, while also making goosebumps pop up on your skin.

"Fuck Sam." Steve groaned, moving his own hand faster as Sam deep throated him. You suddenly found yourself taking all of Bucky's hot length down your throat. Bucky let out a surprised moan, as he hadn't been expecting you to take everything.

You gagged slightly, carefully pulling back before you swirled your tongue over the slit, and then taking all of him again.

"Shit doll, I'm gonna cum, you better pull off so I can fuck that sweet little pussy of yours." Bucky growled.

You quickly pulled off his length, nearly falling off the bed to get on your back. Bucky slammed you into the sheets, his metal hand closing around your throat, though not enough to actually hurt you.

He slammed into you, causing the most pornographic noise rip through you. All three of the men groaned in sync, both at the delicious noise you had made and also the ministrations they were all receiving one way or the other.

Bucky hooked both of your legs over his shoulders, leaning you forward so that your knees came up to press against your breasts. He lifted his hips up, driving you into the bed. Your hands stayed limp by the sides of your head, though you wanted to run your fingers through his long hair. You just couldn't find the energy to do so.

You cummed again, crying out Bucky's name. He only thrusted into you four more times before releasing deep inside of you, his tip pressed against your cervix.

By now, Sam and Steve had let go of each other, moving so that they could take Bucky's place as he slowly moved out of you.

Bucky went ahead, moving behind you as Sam laid down. Bucky helped you climb above him, sinking you down on his dick. Sam let out a pleasurable moan at being inside your aching hot core. He could feel you pulsing around him pathetically after all of your releases. Both your juices and the combined juices of the past eight men leaking down his prick.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now