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June 13th (today): CHRIS EVANS BIRTHDAY!!!! Bruh he's 41 and I'm not even 21 yet and I'm still wishing the two of us could be together. Age is just a number after all 😘

"WAKE UP!" Bucky's joyful voice shouted through the bedroom as you burrowed deeper under the covers.

Why the hell was everyone waking you up so early?

"Go 'way." You mumbled, putting your head under your pillow. You had been ripped from a rather pleasant dream about the end of the wedding when you had your bonding. Your knickers were now wet and you knew Bucky was going to find out soon.

"Nope." He said, grabbing the pillow off your head, grinning down at you. "Come on, we're going to go and find some island kitties."

"Buck, they come out at night." You muttered.

"Oh, I know." Bucky said, tossing the pillow aside so that you could grab it. "But I also promised you a ride on the jet ski."

That did pique your interest and you rose your head a few inches off the pillow to look at his excited voice.

"Alright, fine. Get out. I'm getting dressed." You really didn't want him to find out you'd had a wet dream about all of them last night. That was bloody embarrassing.

"You better not fall asleep." Bucky warned before heading out of the bedroom.

You took a very quick shower, pulling on another two piece bathing suit, this time putting a thin F/C blouse on with blue denim shorts. Pulling on a pair of sneakers, brushing your hair back, and applying a thin layer of makeup- just lipstick, some undereye to get rid of the dark circles, and a little blush- you stepped out of the hotel room.

Bucky immediately swung you up onto his back, charging down the hotel hallway. You squealed, laughing, clutching around his neck.

Steve and Sam were both waiting downstairs, wearing tank tops and swim trunks. They both looked so incredibly hot and ripped, your mouth almost started watering.

Sam was wearing a white tank top that was just. . . mouthwatering. Steve meanwhile was wearing a blue one while Bucky was wearing a black one. God they all looked so delicious. How was it possible that some people could just look so good?

"Come on doll." Bucky said, holding out his hand for you to take. You took it eagerly as the four of you walked to where the kiosk was. The boys got their ski jets before Bucky led you over to one, pushing it easily out onto the water.

You climbed gingerly onto the back of the water vehicle, wrapping your arms tightly around his torso, while his hands gunned the handles.

You shrieked as he took off into the water, Steve and Sam both quickly catching up. They sped over the open water. There were a few other jet skis out already, but for the most part, it was empty except for the three of you.

"Hey Y/N, watch this." Sam called over to you.

You watched as he gunned it, before doing a backflip with the vehicle.

"Whoa." You murmured under your breath. "That was really cool!"

Then you felt Bucky's laugh under your fingertips. "Hold on doll."

"Bucky-" You held on even tighter, almost thinking about squeezing your eyes as he started to speed up. Once he hit a large wave, he magically jerked the jet ski with almost zero difficulties. You could see the entire world upside down for a moment before you landed back on the ocean surface with a large dip and splash.

"Not so bad." You murmured, arms becoming even tighter incase he decided to do it again.

"You two are idiots." Steve shouted over the noise. He then promptly did a double backflip somehow.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now