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"Hi Honey Bunny." You mumbled, curling up with Thor on the couch. He put his arm around you, holding you close to him.

He was in the movie theater at the moment, watching Death on the Nile. He grabbed the remote and paused it. "Hello Princess. How are you?"

"Good. Missed you." You said, snuggling into his chest.

"I missed you too." He said, pulling you completely into his lap.

Thor had been gone for a few weeks in New Asgard. Though he wasn't the king anymore, the people still wanted to see him and Loki a great deal and they tried to visit and also stay here for as long as they could.

"How was New Asgard?" you asked, tilting your head just slightly as Thor started to kiss down it.

"It was fine." He said quietly, before nibbling at a sweet spot. You let out a long sigh as you tried to contain your moans. "But I'm really glad to be back here."

You shifted on his lap, straddling him as he settled his large hands on your waist, pulling you in so that he could kiss you. The kiss started out slow and sweet, your lips folding against his larger ones. And then he slapped your bum and you parted your lips in surprise. He immediately took dominance of the kiss, your lips crushed together, his tongue searching your mouth.

You pulled up for air, his lips skimming down your throat. His large hands settled at the hem of your shirt. "Can I take this off Princess?" He asked in a low voice.

"Yes." You breathed out, feeling slightly relieved as he lifted it over your head instead of ripping it. He unclasped the bra as well, settling it on the chair next to him. You pulled your own pants down, leaving you in your knickers before you moved your hands to his shirt.

His hands were on your breasts in seconds, massaging them in a way that felt heavenly to you. You pulled his shirt off, revealing his god-like chest. Running your hands up his chest, you kissed his neck before you lowered your hands down to the sweatpants he was wearing at the moment.

Thor helped shuck them off before getting rid of his boxers as well. In return, you got rid of your knickers, leaving both of you completely naked, in the dark, in the home movie theater.

Thor's hands were warm to the sudden temperature drop as the air-conditioning kicked on. He teased your entrance with two fingers before he pushed them in, "So wet Princess." He moaned against your collarbone.

"Just for you." You mumbled, grinding down on his fingers. He obliged, giving you another finger, fucking you harder.

"Fuck, Thor." You moaned, you lips clashing again.

He teased your clit between his fingers, letting you release all over his fingers as the knot broke in your stomach.

He slowly pulled your fingers out, licking your essence off of them. He grinned at you. "Fucking delicious Princess."

Fuck, that nickname.

Honestly though, any nickname would sound good coming from Thor's mouth.

You ground your hips against Thor's. "Please, just fuck me?"

"With pleasure." Thor said, hands gripping your waist tightly to pull you over his large prick, letting you sink down on your own to adjust on your own.

You both moaned. He at the warmth surrounding his cock, you from the full feeling inside of you.

Thor wrapped your hair around his hand, pulling you in for another sweet kiss full of tongue and love. "Love you Princess."

"Love you too hotshot." You smiled, kissing him again before you started to ride him, lifting yourself up and down.

Thor let you take control for a while until your release started to come closer and closer. That was when he pulled you off, setting you on the arm of the movie chair. A whimper left your mouth when he did that, pouting as you sat there.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now