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"Pull up the cams FRIDAY." Tony said, sighing as they regrouped back at the headquarters. "Track Y/N's movements."

Thor was the only one missing, still on Asgard, but would be on his way the minute Heimdall let him know that Y/N was gone.

Several cameras were pulled up over the holographic display, thanks to FRIDAY's abilities. They watched in silence, scrutinizing each frame as they watched her leave the coffee shop. Then when it had pulled up by the apartment.

Sam still couldn't help but feel proud about how easily she'd taken them down with nothing but an umbrella. All of the others also felt a sense of pride, though it was masked more by the uncomfortable, horrid feeling of knowing that she was in danger. The thought of all of them finally having their final soulmate or only soulmate, only to have her taken, perhaps killed, was nerve-wracking.

"That's was good work Parker." Tony said quietly, commemorating the Spider boy on his quick moves.

"Thank you Mr. Stark." Peter said quickly.

The next frame made all of them wince as they watched her get rammed with the car. Once again, proud that she kept trying to stand, but it was ultimately useless as she was drugged and dragged into the black vehicle.

"FRIDAY can you track that van to its location?" Tony asked.

"Yes sir." FRIDAY said, pulling up the tracking system which showed that the black van had gone to the airport.

"Which plane did the perpetrators take?" Fury asked.

"None from the looks of it. Neither public nor private sir." FRIDAY answered. "Nor can I track them anywhere in the airport. It seems they never entered."

"Fuck." Bucky muttered, drawing a hand down his face.

"FRIDAY what is the vent system in the airport both above and below?" Clint asked. Scott nodded.

FRIDAY computed and said, "The airport has security restrictions on those files. It will take me at least two hours to hack them. Do you still wish to continue?"

"Yes." Fury said. "Alert us the minute you've got them. Good thinking Barton."

"Thank you sir." Clint said quickly.

Fury stalked from the room.

Rhodey sighed, "I'm going to pick the sister up from school in an hour. Should I just bring her back here or-?"

"Probably would be for the best." Sam said with a shrug. "If she trusts you, of course. She has met you, hasn't she?"

"Yes." Rhodey said with a slight forward nod.

"Both of their rooms have been ready so you can just show her to it and then tell her she's free to roam about half the building." Tony muttered, still staring at the now blank hologram.

"Everyone should get some rest." Steve commanded. "You're going to need it when we figure out where they're keeping her."

Bucky put an arm around Steve, leading him from the room as Sam led the two out. Rhodey made a small nod, mostly to himself, before leaving to get ready to get Y/S/N from school. Peter went off to find MJ and Ned. Slowly, everyone dispersed until it was just Tony and Stephen.

"You can't torture yourself Tony." Stephen said softly.

Tony snapped his head to Stephen. "Should've made a tracker for her. Should've walked her home. Shit I screwed up so badly."

"We." Stephen said firmly. "We all knew the rules, we literally made them last night. She always has someone with her. I was the one already awake. I should've done it. It lands on me. Okay? Besides, I didn't get the portal there in time. Undershot it by a few blocks."

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now