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You woke up in an unfamiliar room, lying on top of Bucky's chest. A dark arm was thrown over your back. Looking around slightly, you saw that you were in Bucky, Sam, and Steve's room.

Steve was still fast asleep too, rolled over on his side, Bucky's arm underneath him. It was adorable the way that the slept together.

You closed your eyes again, relishing the feeling of being here, waking up with some of the people that you loved.

You could hear one of them stirring, either Sam or Steve as Bucky wasn't moving underneath you. You heard Steve grunt in surprise before you heard Bucky and Sam start to wake up as well. Bucky's body shifted under yours, laying you down on the bed.

"How'd she get here?" Steve asked, sounding surprised.

"We went looking at island cats last night." Bucky said with a small yawn. "And then she said she didn't want to be alone so I brought her back here so that we could all be together."

"Do you think she's okay after yesterday?" Sam's voice was worried. "Are we pushing the wedding to fast? Maybe we should back off-"

"We can't." Steve said. "As much as I would love to give her time to mourn, all of us are going to be in danger until everyone realizes that she can't be used for or against the eleven lines ritual. We can give her all the time she needs to mourn after."

"I feel helpless." Bucky admitted quietly. "This was all supposed to be a fun time for everyone. And now we're going to be crowding her with guards and-"

Suddenly, the door burst open, Tony shouting, "Y/N IS MISS-" He stopped short. "Oh. What is she doing in here?"

"She told me she didn't want to be alone last night. Don't worry, nothing happened." Bucky sighed.

"Oh." Tony said. "Okay. I panicked-"

"Clearly." Sam muttered.

"Look, any of you guys would've panicked if you had gone up to her room and it was empty." Tony defended himself.

You rolled over in bed, opening your eyes. "Morning guys."

"Morning Y/N." Steve, Sam, and Tony said together.

"Morning doll." Bucky said calmly.

"Are you still going to be with Stephen and I?" Tony asked, sounding slightly insecure which was just adorable.

"Yeah." You said, sliding out of bed, padding over to kiss Sam, Steve, and Bucky on the lips before kissing Tony and taking his hand. "Thanks for letting me stay over guys. I'll see you guys later. C'mon Tones, let's go find our handsome wizard."

Tony smiled a little and the two of you walked out of the super soldier's hotel room. Tony brought you back up to your room so that you could shower, waking yourself up effectively, and then get dressed. You tossed on a sexy one-piece bathing suit underneath another sundress, this time a forest green sort've colour.

"You look absolutely beautiful." Tony said before taking your hand again. He himself was wearing a white T-shirt and lime green swim trunks

You met Stephen, Wong, and Rhodey downstairs. Stephen was wearing no shirt, showing off his lightly defined abs, and a pair of sky blue swim trunks with red birds on them.

Wong was wearing a white shirt with black khaki pants that ended just at the knees.

Rhodey was also shirtless, like Stephen, and was wearing a pair of black swim trunks.

You smiled at them and then let them lead you to a small restaurant that wasn't very busy, ordering a light breakfast to start the day off.

"Are you okay? We couldn't find you this morning." Stephen said, his forehead creased with worry.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now