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Clint had pouted the entire time you made dinner, while you tried your hardest not to laugh at his reactions. While in reality, neither he nor Sam actually had a problem eating chicken or turkey when it came time to eat, they loved complaining about eating bird, and everyone liked to tease them on it.

Of course, while you were cooking about eighty hot chicken wings in the multiple ovens that Tony had in the kitchen, that wasn't all you were cooking.

In another oven, you were warming up several loaves of sourdough bread. On the stoves, you had a few steaks cooking with canned mushrooms, letting everything sear together.

You also had a large pot of greenbeans cooking, along with corn and pork and beans. You opened up a few cans of black olives to put in another bowl and stuck that in the refrigerator to cool. You also made a bowl of banana peppers as well.

You had white rice in a cooker, set on a timer.

Then you made homemade mashed potatoes, using a paring knife to cut off the skin of the potatoes, before cutting them into cubes, sticking them in a pot of water, and boiling them.

As everything started to near to the 'finish' stage of cooking, Clint told FRIDAY to let the others know that dinner was almost ready.

You pulled the hot wings out of the oven, slowly transferring them to plates, stacking them precariously so they looked neat. Clint helped carry out the trays to the table that you were using as a 'buffet bar'. You were all still eating in the living room as there were so many people.

Clint also started taking out the bowl of greenbeans, corn, pork and beans, black olives, banana peppers, and pickled beets while you started to put the steak and mushrooms on another plate. While Clint took care of that plate and also started to pull the sourdough loaves out of the other oven, you grabbed a yellow strainer and started to work on your mashed potatoes.

You strained the potato chunks so that there was no more water before putting them back in the now empty pan. Grabbing sour cream, milk, and butter, you added two dollaps of sour cream and three pads of butter before grabbing the masher and started mixing everything around.

Growing up taking care of your sister meant that you knew how to cook meals, big and small. In fact, you actually took pleasure in working in the kitchen, watching your meals become complete, and then feeling satisfaction in how everyone enjoyed your food. Cooking wasn't a chore, it was a hobby. Especially when it came to dinners and dessert. Breakfast was fun as well, but lunch was harder to get some creative ideas.

You added just a dash of salt and pepper to the mashed potatoes that were starting to come together and looking very creamy, adding another pad of butter and another small scoop of sour cream, mixing it once again.

After that tasted test, you decided it was perfect- you hadn't even needed to add milk- and you quickly scooped all of the mashed potatoes from the pot into the bowl.

Clint had also put a milk jug and a water pitcher out on the table.

Those who weren't invested in the search for Bucky like the Guardians, the Wakandans, and the Asgardians were the first to arrive, grabbing plates and heading out to eat.

"Most of them won't come up to eat, will they?" You asked as you nibbled on a piece of sourdough bread. It was the only safe choice with your stomach so upset over Bucky's loss.

"Some of them will. Sam will probably be up soon, even if it's to just take some food back down for Steve. And Stephen will make sure Tony eats." Clint said as he put a piece of steak on his plate, trying to scrape the mushrooms off.

"Oi, picky bird, eat the mushrooms." You scolded. "Believe me, they tasted really good since they've been cooked in the steak juice. It adds to the flavor."

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