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"Well that was entertaining." Loki said as Clint, Loki, and you walked upstairs through the house after the party was over. You had stayed afterwards to clean up the entire thing, absolutely refusing to let Steve, Bucky, or Sam help, though Clint and Loki did as well.

You stretched before lowering a curious hand to your stomach.


Thor had announced your pregnancy, telling everyone that you had triplets and were three months along already. You thought you'd be bigger. Your stomach was protruding just a little bit, but you had simply thought you had been gaining a little weight, especially with all the junk food that you'd had at the party.

"I wonder who the fathers are." Clint said thoughtfully.

"One of them has to be Steve's, right?" You asked. "That's why Thor made the announcement on his birthday?"

"Possible." Loki admitted.

"I wouldn't mind knowing the fathers of the kids." Clint said, "I don't think the biologics would make a difference of how the rest of us treat them."

"Not to mention," Loki said with a bit of a smile, "the physical qualities are going to tell us if the kids are ours or for example, Sam's. Plus, you know, hair and eye colours. But skin tone will be a dead giveaway."

You nodded, "I'll probably ask Thor tomorrow. Or maybe ask the others what they think. Naturally, the father genes don't matter to me."

"Are you tired sweet mama?" Clint asked, his voice becoming slightly more seductive as we neared Loki and Clint's rooms.

"And what do you have in mind?" You asked, a small smile perking up on your face.

"I have a few ideas." Loki purred into your ear.

"Oh? And what do these ideas entail?" You asked, running your hands up his arms to his tall, narrow but strong shoulders.

His eyes glimmered with lust, "How about I show you, pet? The hawk can help as well."

Clint raised an eyebrow in interest, "Your bedroom or mine?"

"Mine." Loki demanded, opening up the door to the left of him.

Loki's bedroom was beautiful. Full of green, brown, and golden colours. Mini Loki was curled up on a bed in the corner, his blue eyes opening and then closing once more in disinterest. Alpine poked her nose up to see what was happening, Mini Loki quickly pushing her down as though we were blind and couldn't see her.

"Fucking adorable." You mumbled.

"I know right?" Clint muttered next to you. "I love how Mini Loki thinks no one knows about him and Alpine."

"Takes after his owner." You quipped.

Loki twirled you around, pulling your back flush against him, "Is that right pet? In that case, you're my kitten, aren't you?"

"Yes Master." the title rolled off your tongue.

"Strip." Clint's eyes were blown just as darkly with lust.

You quickly wrenched the skirt and blouse that you'd worn for Steve's birthday off. The bra and knickers were quick to follow. Clint and Loki had undressed as well, leaving both of them standing there, slightly tanned, muscles defined, cocks high, eyes lustful, smirks on both of their faces.

"On the bed." Loki commanded.

You quickly scrambled onto the large King bed. You sat with your back closed to the headboard. Loki just grinned. "Lay down. Get comfortable."

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now