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You drove in the car along the highway, making your way towards your H/T. You weren't entirely sure why you were going back home, but that was the direction that you were finding yourself driving in.

Your life hadn't been entirely difficult. Your mother and father had always been busy so you rarely saw them. You were mostly raised by teachers, your sports coach, and several summer camp counselors. And of course, they were all doing those jobs for the money.

You and your sister were used to having a rather uncaring life. It wasn't that your parents were directly mean to you. In fact, the few times that you guys actually did something as a family, it was quite fun. But your parents had never really wanted kids, just going along with Government rules.

Things only escalated once you'd entered junior year of High School. Your mother had passed away, which left your dad in a right state of devastation. You hoped you never found out how it felt for your soulmate to die. It was apparently the most painful thing you could ever feel. The only thing that could numb it was if you got lucky enough to have another soulmate.

Still, that was when your dad was around most, but also when you didn't want him to be around. That was when he started the drinking and the hitting. You were lucky, you were almost out of the house. You applied for college in New York and you moved.

Your sister on the other hand had only started High school, which would leave her in your father's care for four more years. That was how you'd ended up being her guardian now.

And now you were going back home with no idea as to why. Maybe to lay some flowers on your mother's grave. Maybe to just get away from this crazy world. You lived in a rather small, isolated town, a place that none of the superheroes had probably ever stepped foot into. Tony could probably buy up the town if he wanted to.

[If you don't live in America, you can use 'West Chester' as your H/T (home town)]

Your phone started to ring. You glanced over at it. It was Y/S/N.

You sighed. What were the possible chances that they already knew you were gone and were waiting for you to pick up the phone?

Probably high.

You pushed the button anyways. "Y/S/N, isn't it past your bed time?"

"Funny. Come home." Y/S/N said.

"I will." You said. "Just. . . went for a drive."

"How much longer do you think you'll be out?" Y/S/N asked with a sigh. You couldn't hear anyone else on the other side of the phone. Maybe you were wrong about the others listening in. Or maybe they didn't know you were gone yet and only she did.

"I don't know. I kind've need a break."

"If it makes you feel better, you misunderstood the conversation between Steve, Bucky, and Natasha. They were talking about a training incident and how everything was disastrous afterwards. When they said just the three of them, they were talking about them being the only trainers since they wouldn't get hurt easily if there was another incident."

You were silent for a moment. You knew your sister would never lie to you, so you really wanted to believe her.

"Thanks. It just. . . sometimes my head. . . I just jump to the worst case scenario, you know? Especially since. . ."

"Especially since they're all extremely famous superheroes that the world either absolutely loves or completely hates and we're just a couple of nobodies from a small town?" Y/S/N finished for you.

"Exactly. God, I don't. . . I don't know how to be worthy of them." You said, feelings crashing down on you. "I mean, I love all of them so much but. . . how do I. . ."

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now