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You were working out with Steve, Bucky, and Sam, when Y/S/N came into the gym. "Oi, Y/N, we got a facetime call with our dear father."

You paused in the middle of your sit-ups. "Pardon? English next time?"

"Humorous. Hurry up." Y/S/N said, nerves in her voice.

"I'll finish later," You murmured, snatching up a towel and your water bottle, hurrying out of the gym.

"When did he call?" You asked as the two of you walked down the hallway. Y/S/N was leading slightly and you ended up in her room on the fiftieth floor.

Tony had let her design it to her tastes. It was mostly dressed up in pinks, purples, and blues. The bed was against the wall with a large, sheer princess curtain coming from a small circular add on from the ceiling. The nightstand was covered in different makeup products, the desk scattered with homework. Several celebrity prints were tacked up on the walls. There was a large dresser with a vanity, more makeup products there along with hair things. The bathroom door was ajar, showing the curling iron was still plugged in.

There was also a minifridge that you were sure were stocked with Snapple and frozen chocolate bars.

She'd also gotten windows which were square and framed with the same kind of curtains as what surrounded her bed, just thicker to block out the light.

The carpet was white and fluffy.

The computer was set up on the bed. Your father was waiting, the outline of a bottle of beer just barely visible in the camera eye. He pushed it up discretely as the two of you sat down in front of the computer.

"Hello pumpkin, long time no see." Dad said with a bit of a grudge in his voice.

"Hello dad." You replied cautiously. "What are you calling for? You never call?"

"At least I didn't run away and abandon my kids." You farther said, a muscle twitching in his cheek.

You sighed. You really didn't have any energy for fighting. "If you call to bitch about, save it. I was in the middle of a workout."

"Don't use that word Y/N." Your father said sternly. "And I heard that you have a wedding coming up in five weeks. Who're you going to have walk you down the aisle?"

Very good question. Fantastic, really. You had no idea. Tony had suggested Happy, who really wasn't a bad choice. You and Happy got along fantastically. He was a really good guy who took his job seriously. And he was very deeply in love with both of his wives. Fury had also said Coulson wouldn't mind walking me down the aisle. And Thor had said any number of his friends were more than willing to walk me down the aisle as well. Even Bruce, Scott, and Vision had offered.

"We haven't decided yet." You said stiffly.

"Maybe you'd let your father walk you down the aisle?" He asked awkwardly.

"Dad. . . you've never been a part of mine and Y/S/N's life. Very rarely anyways. Why would this be any different?"

"It's a special event." Your father said firmly. "We were always there for every birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Fourth of July. We were there for each graduation and sporting event. We were always there for the big things!"

"But you were never there for the small things." You protested. "My best friends parents taught me to ride a bike. My kindergarten teacher was the one to teach me to brush my hair and teeth. I mean, I know you and mom never wanted kids, but gosh Dad, you could've at least acted like a parent!"

"Y/N, I'm trying here!" Your dad shouted back.

"And then after the wedding, when would we see you again? Y/S/N's wedding? The birth of my child? Or would we see you every weekend as a family? You have to get your priorities together before you come back into our lives. I mean, there was a reason we left. The drinking? The abuse?"

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now