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A month later and you guys were opening up the pool. The kittens were curled up with the bunnies fast asleep in the air-conditioned kitchen. Your puppy- which Stephen had dubbed 'Ginny' because of her red colouring- was running around outside with Bucky, Sam, Rhodey, Clint, and Steve as they tossed a frisbee back and forth.

All of the bedrooms in the house were completely furnished to each persons liking, along with a few rooms that were left empty as they would eventually be your childrens' rooms.

You knew they were all excited for kids- any kids- and you were all waiting patiently.

At the moment, you were all waiting for Wanda, Vision, Pietro, Elizabeth, Hogun, Jessie, Katherine, Nat, and Bruce to show up. They were going to be staying with you guys over the summer- well for the most part.

The guest rooms were already prepared.

You set out a tub of twizzlers, knowing Elizabeth loved those. There was a bunch of plain junk food out on the table as well. The pool looked cool and inviting. And everyone was having a really good time.

Suddenly, the water was swirling upwards, turning into shapes in the water. You looked around, but didn't see Elizabeth until the group came walking around the side of the house before the pool water crashed back into the underground pool.

She grabbed a twizzler before she hugged you. "Hey Y/N! Beautiful house. Very Tony."

You grinned, "How was the last year of school?"

"Fine. I cried when I graduated. I'm still debating schools though. I really don't want to go to school in New York." Elizabeth said, wrinkling her nose. "I was thinking about Florida instead. They have some good med schools down there."

You nodded. "I mean, just because your soulmates are here doesn't mean you have to go to school here. I think if you really want to go to Florida, that's what you should do."

Suddenly, Elizabeth squealed, running backwards to avoid Ginny that had come running towards her.

Shoot, you had forgotten that she was terrified of dogs.

You quickly scooped Ginny up in your arms, the puppy flailing as she tried to keep running to greet the new person that she had seen.

Elizabeth calmed down some, seeing how tiny and adorable the puppy really was. "She doesn't bite, does she?"

"She might nip you when she's excited, but she's very sweet." you said.

Elizabeth had been at a party when she was younger. A dog at the party had bit into her brothers' face, ripping a chunk out of it and he'd had to be taken to the hospital. Needless to say, that was where Elizabeth's fear of dogs were. Funnily enough though, her brother Daniel still put his face in front of dogs, absolutely loving every animal came across. He got bit a lot.

Elizabeth tentatively petted Ginny's head before turning to the food table.

"We also have two kittens and two bunnies." You said.

"Oh?" Elizabeth was more excited about this prospect. "Can I see them?"

You led her into the kitchen, Ginny running towards Pietro now. Elizabeth absolutely loved Cinni bun and Boba, petting them with enthusiasm on her face. She was a little wary of the kittens, but she liked Alpine and Mini Loki all the same.

Yes, Loki named his kitten Mini Loki. Well actually, he had called him Loke, but Thor had told you that was Asgardian for Loki, so the cats name was just Mini Loki.

Fury was in the kitchen, keeping a scrutinizing eye on Mini Loki and Alpine, Maria sitting next to him, looking absolutely amused. Coulson on the other hand looked equally terrified of the cats as Elizabeth had Ginny.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now