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You stirred at the sound of metal on stone. It was terrible sound, making you want to plug your ears.

The next thing you noticed was the pain in your arm. You winced, looking at the mess of bloody bandages. God you hoped nothing else happened, but you really hoped it didn't get infected. That would be just your luck.

The last thing you noticed was just how cold you were. You curled up, wrapping your arms around you in an attempt to get warm.

Your head was pounding, trying to remember how exactly you had gotten to this point. Right, you'd gone to Starbucks and walked home by yourself. Damn, you should've just made crappy at home coffee.

You could hear shouting, something that sounded possibly like guns being fired, and zapping noises.

Suddenly, there were footsteps outside of your cell. You looked up just in time to see two of the five get shot down while the other three were tripped with orange chains before being shot.

Bucky and Stephen entered the cell. Bucky was holding a huge gun in his metal hand, a knife in his flesh. He sheafed the knife to come and kneel by your side. "You alright doll?"

"Arm hurts." You murmured, closing your eyes again. "And I'm cold."

You winced as you felt your body jostling, Bucky picking you up in his arms. "Open a portal back to HQ. I'll alert the others on comms that we've got her."

You could hear a soft whooshing noise and then the air turned from cold to a bit warmer. You were laid down on a padded hospital bed. Stephen was gone and then back, wrapping you in a grey fuzzy blanket. He kissed your forehead softly before Dr. Banner came over with a tray full of torture devices.

"I have to go back and get the others." Stephen said to Bucky, "Will you stay with her?"

"Of course." Bucky said. You could hear that whooshing noise again and Stephen was gone.

"How are you feeling doll?" Bucky asked softly as Bruce carefully gave you a needle for a light dose of anesthesia.

"We're all safe?" You asked, worried about everyone you hadn't been able to see yet.

"Yes." Bucky said solid. "It's hard to lose when you have two extremely angry Gods on your side."

You smiled a little, thinking of Loki and Thor being furious. "I'm sorry. Was stupid going out for coffee."

"Not your fault. We're the ones who're supposed to take care of you." Bucky said softly.

"Ah good." Fury said, walking in. Though he was trying not to sound it, his voice was full of relief.

"She'll probably go under in about. . . now." Dr. Banner said, and everything went black.


You came to what felt like seconds later, feeling a little fuzzy, but nothing hurt- yet.

You slowly opened your eyes and almost started laughing. It seemed that everyone had fallen asleep waiting for you to wake up.

Fury had fallen asleep in his hard chair, arms crossed over his chest, head hanging.

Tony and Stephen were fast asleep on the sofa, Stephen laying on top of Tony, their arms hanging over the side of the couch.

Thor was sitting on the floor, legs straight out, hands in his lap, head hanging as well.

Steve, Bucky, and Sam had piled together on the floor as well.

Clint's head could be see as he was curled up in the vent.

T'Challa was sitting backwards on the chair, resting his head on his arms on the back of the chair while Rhodey had his back pressed against the back of the same chair, knees tucked up under his chin, fast asleep on his arms.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now