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You waited in anticipation, nervous about who would be the next one to show up. Nevertheless, you relaxed a little when you saw that it was Fury.

Like Rhodey, he had already removed most of his clothes except the basics. He had even taken off his eyepatch, showing his scars and bleary eye.

"How are you holding up?" Fury asked calmly as he crossed the room after closing the door behind him. "Do you need any water or anything?"

You shook your head, "I'm alright. How are you?"

He grinned a little. It was sometimes unnerving to see Fury smile since he almost never did. He usually just gave people glares or looks of disbelief. Sometimes impressed looks, but never smiles. "I'm alright."

He started to unbutton his shirt before carefully folding it up to leave it on the dresser. He'd probably put the same clothes back on.

You tried not to stare in disbelief as you looked at him. I mean, sure, you knew he was muscular, but he was this ripped?

His arms seemed to roll with muscle, his abs more defined than Bucky's if that was possible. He seemed to be made out of pure muscle.

He came up on the bed, kneeling before you. Holy crap how could someone who hid himself in layers of bulky looking clothes look so good?

He smiled a little. Without the eyepatch and the smile, he looked a few years younger. The way you imagined he had looked when he had met Carol and Goose. Well, plus a bit more hair.

"We can take this slow babydoll." He said softly. It was the first time you had heard any name of endearment fall out of his mouth and you loved it. It was just so unique and different.

You nodded, sitting forward to wrap your arms around his neck. He pulled you gently into a kiss. You could feel his larger lips locking around yours, the kiss full of passion and love. His large hands were settled on your waist, pulling you slightly to him.

Very slowly, you made your way down onto your back as he continued to press kisses to your jaw, cheeks, and lips.

When he finally hovered over you, he lowered his mouth to ear to whisper, "Let me know if you need me to stop."

You parted your lips in a slight sigh as he started to push into you. You hadn't realized that you'd missed the fullness of Rhodey and Clint until now.

Fury was large, you could feel that much as he stretched your walls again. There was even a slight burn again, although you weren't sure if this was because you were being entered for the third time tonight, or if Fury was stretching you farther than Rhodey and Clint had.

You wrapped your arms tighter around Fury's neck, kissing along his shoulders as he started to move inside of you.

You could feel his veins as he brushed along your walls. Like Rhodey, he seemed to be able to hit every sweet spot inside of your body without even trying. Moans and praises just tumbled from your lips, unable to stop them as he started to thrust faster. He didn't speed up, but his thrusts were harder, filling you immensely.

Pleasure filled every fiber of your being as you both started to reach your climaxes. You had stopped kissing him to lay your head back down on the pillow, eyes closed, mouth open in a small 'o' shape. Your legs were shaking just slightly, your toes curling so tightly that you almost got cramps.

You could feel Fury's hands on your body, one around the back of your shoulders, holding your body close to his, the other rolling your clit between his large fingers, pulling more moans from you, making your body shake.

"Nick!" You shouted as your orgasm washed over in a blinding fuzzy whiteness.

"Y/N." Your name was almost a whisper on his tongue, so quiet you almost missed it. You could feel him finish inside of you, just the same as the others.

Fury was careful as he pulled out of you, tilting his head a little to look at you better. "Nick, huh?"

You smiled bashfully, "It just came out."

"Well, only you could get away with calling me that." He smiled a little, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He lowered his head, resting his forehead against yours. You closed your eyes, relishing in the sweet love he was giving you. "You're precious to me Y/N. Just don't tell the others I said that."

You smiled a little, opening your eyes and kissing him. "I won't. I'll keep it for blackmail."

He chuckled, standing. He brushed some of your hair back from your face. You were starting to feel some of the effects of multiple orgasms, but it wasn't a bad feeling. Really, you were just itching for more.

Fury kissed your forehead one last time before he got dressed right there. You closed your eyes, keeping your arms over your face as you itched to touch yourself. But you knew that after around halfway, you were going to want to stop so you knew you had to behave yourself.

You heard the door close, quiet footsteps crossing the room, the sound of fabric falling. You removed your arms from your face to peek your eyes open and see T'Challa already climbing on the bed.

"How are you feeling Nkosazana?" He asked softly, running his hands up your legs.
[Nkosazana= Princess (I was going to do Queen, but that's Ukumkanikazi, so nah]

"I'm feeling good T." You murmured, still laying on your back, holding your hands out for him. He climbed over you, lowering himself gently to kiss you. "Fill me up please?"

"As you wish, my Nkosazana." T'Challa murmured, moving into you much faster than any of the others had. He filled you up well, his hands sliding along your skin and under your back so that he could pull you up against his body.

He kept up his kisses as he slid through you, being gentle in his movements. You could just feel his tip brushing against your cervix with each movement, sending tingling sensations through your legs and then up the rest of your body.

You kissed along his jaw, your hands moving from his broad shoulders to the back of his head so that you could tilt his head and start kissing down his neck.

You could feel your body tightening under his body. "My king, please." You begged, tightening your arms around him.

He pressed another kiss to your lips as he moved faster, his hips snapping against yours. You could feel every drag on the inside of your walls as you clenched around him, the knot building up higher and higher.

He removed one of his hands from your hair, trailing it down to pinch and pull at your nipples, twisting them gently between two fingers. The pull seemed to send tiny jolts of electricity to your clit.

"My king." You gasped, your eyes shuttering closed at the overwhelming feeling. "Fuck."

T'Challa made another thrust, his balls brushing against your clit on that extra thrust. Your eyes rolled back into your eyes.

His other hand reached down below the two of you, two fingers circling your clit with his dexterous digits. You ran your nails down his back as you clenched around him harshly several times before your eyes rolled back into your head again, "T'CHALLA!" You nearly screamed as you let go, your orgasm washing over you.

"Fuck, Nkosazana yam" T'Challa groaned, and you could feel his warm seed mixing in with the others, his arms tightening around your smaller frame as he finished.
[Fuck, my Princess]

You went limp in his arms, brain slightly fuzzy from the sudden orgasm. You were both breathing heavily and you realized that you were just starting to feel incredibly warm, though you weren't sweating- yet.

"I love you Nkosazana." T'Challa murmured as he pulled out, peppering your face with kisses. "Do you need anything before I leave?"

"No. And I don't care who comes up after this." You whispered.

"Alright." T'Challa said, kissing the temple of your head. "Take it easy, alright? We don't want you to feel stressed out."

You smiled up at him, loving just how loved you were. "Don't worry T, I'll be alright."

T'Challa slowly went into the bathroom for a moment, before coming back out fully dressed. He kissed your forehead one last time, obviously wishing to linger, before he left out the door. You waited in anticipation, wondering who could possibly be next. 

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now