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You rolled out of bed, waiting to see some sort of slithering serpent. You weren't sure why that was the first thing you had thought of- considering it would be very hard for a snake to actually get into this room- but it was.

Instead, in the middle of the bed was a very large spear, not unlike one that the Dora Milaje carried around with them.

You reached around, feeling your back, your fingertips coming back red.

Suddenly, four lithe shadows dropped in front of you. With their backs to the sun, and your eyes squinting against the light, you couldn't see their faces. All you could tell was that they were tall, but thin, and bald.

Two more moved in front of the door, making it a total of six. Silver armor plates glinted off the sun and with a heart drop, you realized that these were the Dora Milaje.

And they were trying to kill you.

What in the world?

"Wha-" You started and then had to dive to the side as several different spears came flying towards you.

You twisted, using T'Challa's flexibility to avoid being hit. You back screamed in fiery pain. Quickly, you conjured glowing green knives in mid-air, pointing them at the Dora Milaje, but not sending them- yet. Maybe this was a trick? To see how you'd react? If that was the case, you didn't want to kill any of T'Challa's- and eventually your- people.

Your hesitation spurred them and you waited to see if the spear would actually kill you before you dodged it. Yes, it would've kill you, had you not moved.

"Is this. . . a test?" You asked uncertainly, keeping the knives aloft in mid-air.

In response, once of the Dora Milaje leaped towards you. You paired her blows, the feeling of her wooden spear against your wrists hurt a bit, though it probably wasn't as painful as it normally would've without Thor's strength.

You grabbed the spear pushing it away from your body, hoping to send the Dora Milaje backwards with a sudden burst of strength. She barely moved, swinging the spear around, knocking you off your feet.

You barely moved in time, the spear nicking your leg, opening it up a little and drawing blood.

They were trying to kill you.

But why?

What had you done?

Was this about T'Challa?

You kicked out, getting the woman in the knee. She hissed in pain as the other five started to move in as well, forming a tight semi-circle around you. You lifted the knives higher in the air, making them pause.

"Ukuba ebeza kusebenzisa iimela ngoku, ebeza kuzisebenzisa. Bulala." One of the Wakandan women in the middle said.
[If she was going to use the knives by now, she would've. Kill.]

Four of them leapt at you and you panicked, sending the knives forwards. Some of them missed, some of them hit spots that only hurt them. One of the women dropped to the ground, one knife in her throat, another in her chest.

One of them got through, the knife going straight through your left shoulder, all the way through so that the point of the spear was slammed into the wall behind you. You screamed in pain, tears blinding your vision.

You did what you could only fathom, creating a green shield that covered your entire body, keeping them from getting to you.

Your entire arm was on fire, your eyes blinking as you tried not to pass out from pain. You could feel blood running down your shirt, arm, and chest.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now