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You dove to the stage floor as the bomb went off, sending tremors through the entire building. You glanced upwards, seeing Wanda on her feet, hands red as she held up the rubble that was threatening to collapse on the people in the bar. Wong and Stephen created two portals for people to run through which get them out into the parking lot. Along with that, Pietro was grabbing some of the small kids, running them out the door as fast as he could.

You could smell something burning and then remembered that Elizabeth had been right next to you.

You couldn't see her at the moment, but you could see that the fire was spreading around you on the stage, trapping you.

Shit, where was she?

And then suddenly, there was a whooshing sound and water started to run through the building, specifically around the stage, putting out the fire. You found Elizabeth standing on the stage, her feet planted firmly on the floor, hands out, eyes glowing blue as she maneuvered the water to put out the fire.

Pietro gaped as he watched her. Bucky leaped onto the stage, kneeling next to you as you pushed yourself up onto your knees. "You alright doll?"

"Yeah." You answered as the water slowly splashed to the floor, Elizabeth's eyes turning back to brown.

"Told you there were some suspicious people on this island." Elizabeth sighed, unfazed, before hopping down off the stage.

"Are you alright?" Vision asked while Pietro asked, "You have powers?"

"Yes and yes. I can control and manipulate water and flick ice out of my hands." Elizabeth stated as easily as though she was talking about the weather. She turned to me, "I'm supposing this is about the prophesy."

You flushed, "yeah."

Elizabeth nodded, "Makes sense. Well, do you at least know how to defend yourself with a gun or something?"


"I'll take that as a no." Elizabeth muttered.

"I have protection detail." You said, jabbing your thumb at your soulmates.

"Very true." Elizabeth said with a small smile and then looked up at the roof, "Perhaps we should move before the roof collapses on our heads."

"I wouldn't let that happen." Wanda said, still holding it up.

"Oh, I know, I was just suggesting that we get out of this building before the other bombs go off." Elizabeth said nonchalantly.

"There's more bombs? How do you know that?" Fury and Tony asked at the same time.

Elizabeth just looked at them over her shoulder, "You can't hear the ticking?"

Everyone fell silent. She was right. The ticking was actually really loud, but over the sound of us singing you couldn't have heard it.

We quickly left the building. Elizabeth's mother quickly bombarded her, asking her a thousand questions, and was extremely angry with the way that she had put herself in danger. Vision quickly interfered, though his calming words didn't little to appease her mother.

Meanwhile, Fury and Coulson were making calls to see if they could get some SHIELD agents- trustworthy ones only- and get them to check things out. Meanwhile, a Nassu bomb squad was called out and everyone was moved away from the karaoke stand and then the rest of you headed back to the hotel.

Back in the hotel, you guys all went up to Clint's room since it was completely empty and you all talked it out.

"The thing is," You added as they all had their own theories. "They knew that we'd be at the Scuba diving and then also Karaoke. Which means that either. . . well. . ."

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now