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You woke up late in the afternoon, sometime around ten-forty. Your entire body felt sore, especially your lower area and your breasts. Your throat felt like an entire dessert had decided to make a home in there. You could also feel the throbbing spots where the few people had decided to leave their mark.

"Hey doll." Bucky's voice was soft and you turned your head to see him laying on top of Stevie. "You're the second one up."

"Wh-o was first?" You croaked out, making him grin and roll off the bed to go and grab you another glass of water. You'd probably drunk more water in one night than you had in the past week.

"Me." Bucky said, rolling his eyes and smirking.

You smiled a little.

"Did the scroll come?"

"Oh yeah, it's over there." Bucky waved a nonchalant hand at the piece of paper tied with red string on the table in the room. "I figured we could wait until everyone was up before we untied it."

"Sounds good." You mumbled. "Can you help me out of bed?"

"Yeah, you definitely need a bath." Bucky admitted, reaching over, grabbing you under the arms, and lifting you out of the nest between Loki and Clint. Thor had an arm thrown over Loki's shoulder while Fury was uncharacteristically snuggled up against Clint, which was hilarious.

"Don't worry." Bucky whispered in your ear, "I already took pictures."

You giggled quietly as he climbed off the bed, setting you on your feet, "Do you think you can walk?"

You did your best while Bucky helped you. You felt like one of those babies, learning how to walk by holding their parents hands. But at least you were somewhat walking.

Bucky had apparently already run you a bath, helping you up and into the tub before he went to grab a washcloth and soap. he got in, in front of you, using the washcloth to clean up the mess that wasn't cleaned up last night as part of the complete bonding.

You winced a little every time you accidentally brushed against your clit. You knew he was trying very hard not to, but sometimes it was inevitable. He apologized softly each time.

"Oh good." Steve's tired voice came from the bathroom door, just as Bucky finished up, moving to sit behind you. "I was hoping you were taking care of her."

You nodded, feeling a little sleepy still.

"Is anyone else up?" Bucky asked.

"Fury, T'Challa, Stephen, Tony, and Loki." Steve said. "They're downstairs already, though they left the scroll up here. I figured you two will be the last downstairs, unless Clint sleeps in. So you guys should grab it on your way down."

"Oh, I was going to cook breakfast." You mumbled.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Loki's got it covered." Steve said. "you're resting today."

Bucky chuckled behind you.

Steve left so that the two of you could finish up. Bucky washed your hair and your body while you just relaxed, floating on the water. Honestly, you couldn't really remember a time in your life that you had ever been taken care of like this.

Maybe it was just the soulmate bond. But if that's what it was, then you weren't going to complain. You had so much love in your heart for all of these wonderful men that you had been fortunate enough to have come into your life.

Once Bucky was done rinsing your hair out, you shifted around so that you could face him, "Can I wash your hair now?"

Bucky grinned. "Sure thing doll."

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now