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Shuri was the one to wake you up early the next day. Grumbling, you rolled off the bed, stumbling over the door and yanking it open.

"It's so early." You complained as Shuri walked into your room wearing a white T-shirt and a blue short skirt. Your sister was still fast asleep in the bed, completely oblivious to the royal princess standing in your room.

"But we have so much exploring that needs to be done!" Shuri squealed. "Come on, you can't tell me that you don't want to see the entire island, do you?"

You sighed, trudging over to sit on the couch. "Alright, alright, just let me wake up."

Shuri practically squealed, jerking your sister awake.

"What the fuck?" Y/S/N groaned, sitting up in bed, wiping her eyes, "Oh, hello Shuri."

"Hello Y/S/N." Shuri said, grabbing one of your suitcases to rifle through your clothes. She threw something at you, which you ignored as it landed beside you on the couch. "Come on! Get excited! Get dressed! I want breakfast."

You sighed, looking over at the two-piece bathing suit she wanted you to wear underneath a light blue sundress.

You moved to the bathroom, tossing on the clothes, before stepping out. You put on a pair of sneakers that went with the skimpy dress, before you and Shuri left- your sister lucky enough to go back to sleep.

Shuri was bouncing with ridiculous energy as you headed through the grand hotel, and you could feel yourself waking up as energy started to fill you too. You rarely traveled, so being in someplace new and exotic was certainly enticing.

Shuri and you went to one of the buffets that were inside of the hotel. There was such a large variety of food, you had to explore- though not taste- everything.

There were normal breakfast foods like waffles, pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and several different breakfast pastries. There were also several different cereals- whatever you could think of, they had.

There was a order station where you could ask one of the cooks to make you a fresh omelet. There were also what you would consider 'lunch' food, like pizza. And they had several different pizzas, including a candy pizza which- no. That just looked disgusting.

There were also large baskets of fruit and also bars with chunks of fresh fruit. And of course, a dispenser with several types of juices and sodas. There was also three different types of milk and four different types of coffee.

You found that Shuri and you weren't the only ones down here for breakfast. Okoye quickly joined your side, both being Shuri's guard for the day, and her soulmate. Tony, Fury, Maria, Stephen, Steve, Bucky, and Sam were also up and Shuri, Okoye, and you joined them at the table.

"What are you girls up to today?" Steve asked.

"Swimming!" Shuri said joyfully. "There's an amazing slide that we're going to go on, right Y/N?"

"Uh, yeah." You said, having no idea what you were talking about. Some water slide?

"Nothing to dangerous." Steve commanded you.

You smirked. "So no petting the wild cats?"

"There's wild cats?" Bucky asked, eyes lighting up.

"Oh yeah!" Shuri said excitedly, almost bouncing up and down in her seat with excitement, "When it gets dark on the island, a bunch of cats will come out. Oh, and we could go swim with the wild pigs too. Or maybe the flamingos? Or the dolphins?"

"How about all of them?" You said with a laugh.

"Oh yes, great idea." Shuri said.

"What's a great idea?" T'Challa's tired voice sounded from behind us. Nakia was with him at the moment, but no guards.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now