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The next day had passed uneventfully in total. You all hung out in a secluded part of the beach, playing the radio to loud. You and Elizabeth played old songs- old meaning between 2003 and 2018. Your soulmates had laughed as you two as sung along to 'Something just like This.'

Now, you were standing in Natasha and Bruce's room with Wanda, Shuri, Okoye, Carol, and Gamora as they all tried to fix you up in your wedding dress, get your makeup and hair done, and overall just prepare you for your wedding.

You hadn't seen any of your soulmates today. Maria, May, and Pepper were getting the boys sorted and organized, making last adjustments to their suits and everything in between.

"Stop fidgeting." Okoye demanded.

Damn the woman was scary. You froze in your seat while Shuri finished doing your makeup. After about an hour and a half, you were completely ready for this wedding.

You stood up, before Shuri handed you a bouquet of eleven roses. Each one matched the colour or colours of your soulmates- even though some of them had to be dyed.

Wong showed up to portal all of you down to the beach. You could hear everyone out on the actual beach, probably sitting under the constructed white pavilion that Tony had ordered should be put up so that they didn't have to sit in the sun, and fans would gently blow cool air down on all of you.

Your stomach twisted with nervous butterflies. Cassie and Morgan started wandering forward, your four bridesmaids quickly following as the music hit the right note.

You licked your lips, taking Wong's arm as he walked you down the aisle.

You could see your soulmates waiting, standing in a circle with one spot left open for you.

Loki was dressed in a green suit with a white shirt and a gold tie. His black hair had been pulled back into a man bun.

T'Challa was wearing traditional black robes with silver lining. He also had some white dots across his face, placed slightly strategically, though you didn't know what they meant. Probably something to do with marriage naturally.

Fury. . . wow it was the first time you'd seen him in something other than his black trench coat. He was wearing a light brown suit with a white shirt and a striped tie.

Rhodey was wearing a blue suit with a white shirt and a black tie. He looked slender and fit, smiling easily as you walked down the aisle.

Clint was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and a purple tie. His grin was stretched from ear to ear as he watched you walk towards him.

Steve was wearing his military uniform. A simple olive green colour with a few badges over his left pocket, only one over the right. His shirt matched the suit, the tie a light shade of yellow.

Bucky was also wearing his military uniform, looking absolutely delicious. There was a tight brown belt around his midriff. The uniform was a tan colour with a tie that matched Steve's. His cap was perched jauntily on his head and he was wearing a huge grin on his face.

Sam was wearing almost a minty green that was so minty green it almost looked grey suit, with white dress shirt and a silver tie. His lips were pursed, a small smile there as he kept his hands in his pants pockets.

Thor was wearing a deep, almost inky black suit, complete with a black dress shirt and tie. And he said Loki dressed like a witch when he wore all black. Actually, Thor really looked good in the outfit with his hair cropped short.

Tony was wearing a grey and black striped shirt, the cuffs of his sleeves outlined with delicately stitched lining of red and blue. His shirt was white and his tied was gold and silver striped. His hair was messy, like it always was, and his glasses were in the front breast pocket.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now