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Bucky was the first to break into your room with surprising force. There was a complete look of panic on his face that made you raise your eyebrow. You could hear running footsteps down the hallway from probably either Steve and Sam following Bucky, or Fury and T'Challa.

Upon the people entering the room, it was all four.

"Y/N, are you alright?" T'Challa asked.

"I'm fine." You said, trying not to laugh at their obvious panic. "It's not like the baby is going to shoot out of me immediately. Calm down and breathe."

"Do you need help standing?" Fury asked. You could hear commotion down the hallway and finally Elizabeth was next to enter the room.

"What?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Her water broke." Sam said.

"Oh." Elizabeth stated, smiling. Then she looked quizzical, "Are you calling a doula?"

"I thought we were going to hospital." Tony said, entering the room next.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Welp, I don't trust the medical industry as far as I can throw them. See you guys tomorrow then."

You laughed at the typical Elizabeth fashion, before sliding out of the bed. Your soulmates immediately converged on you as though you were suddenly made of glass.

"Give her some breathing room." Stephen commanded, leaning against the wall.

You took Bucky's arm and he helped you out of the room. Upon exiting the house, you saw the large bus that Tony had gotten and equipped.

It wasn't really a bus, it was much smaller than that. It was painted black and had nice leather seats inside. It would fit everyone comfortably.

To your surprise though, Elizabeth was sitting behind the wheel, looking at the rest of you impatiently.

"I thought you didn't trust medical facilities?" You questioned as Bucky helped you up the stairs, putting you in the front seat.

"I don't." Elizabeth sighed, starting the bus so that Chandelier by SIA came on. "I hate hospitals, I don't trust them. But I'm not going to miss your babies birth either. As long as no one sticks me with some needles I'll be fine."

"Why would someone stick you with a needle?" Stephen asked in interest as he was the last to pile onto the bus.

Elizabeth looked at him seriously and said, "Why, because vaccines send our brainwaves to Facebook so that Zuckerberg can read all of our thoughts."

She threw a wink at you as you tried to keep your face straight. Stephen was missing an inside joke as he had never been on the gymnastics team with you. He didn't know the story.

Meanwhile, Stephen was staring at Elizabeth in the utmost confusion, trying to figure out how someone he thought was highly intelligent had suddenly come out with the most ridiculous conspiracy theory he'd ever heard.

At least, until he realized both of you were holding in laughs and he rolled his eyes, sulking next to Tony who hadn't heard a word that had passed between the two of them.

Elizabeth finally dropped the lot of you off at the hospital doors before she went to park.

Tony checked you in at the front desk and a nurse brought you to a room in the maternity ward.

"On a scale of one to ten, how painful are your contractions?" The nurse asked.

"Just a one right now." You said. You could barely feel them at the moment.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now