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You anticipation was skyrocketing as you wondered who would come next. You knew it wouldn't be Loki as he wanted to be your last.

You tried hearing who was coming, but your head was still a little fuzzy from the orgasm and so you didn't know who was coming in until Tony and Stephen both walked into the room. Stephen was quick in closing the door behind him as Tony strutted over to the bed.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" Tony asked, already undressing without any preamble, tossing his clothes onto one of the nearby chairs. "You looked flushed."

"I'm feeling pretty good." You replied honestly, feeling excited about the fact that you were about to have both of them together.

"Good." Stephen said, also undressing, revealing a nice set of abs. Why did these guys keep hiding their wonderful bodies under so much clothing?

Of course, you could also see a bunch of scars on both his stomach and his back, which you assumed came from the car accident that started his whole journey to become an Avenger. He didn't seem self conscious about them though, as he moved up onto the bed on the other side of you.

You sat up eagerly, unable to wait to feel either of their hands on you. Stephen leaned forward, capturing your lips with his. You moaned into the kiss as you felt Tony's hands wander down your chests, squeezing your breasts in his hands. You arched your back, giving him more access. Stephen's hand wandered around the back of your head, thrusting his fingers into your H/C strands.

"So responsive." Tony teased, trailing his lips down your jaw, letting kisses lingering there before kissing your neck. He then sucked a hickey right there and then, causing you to moan again. Tony chuckled a little before licking over the spot, relieving it off the slight pain, before pulling away.

Stephen finally released your lips, leaving them swollen and puffy. Tony's hand came up to pinch your cheeks between his thumb and four fingers, turning you to face him, "Absolutely stunning beautiful."

You flushed as his lips clashed with yours. His was the roughest of the others, mixing tongue and teeth equally. You pushed back, fighting him for dominance on this one. Your hands moved to curl your fingers in his hair, you on your knees to tower over him by an inch or two. His lips moved down, attaching them to your breasts as Stephen tossed his boxers off to the side, just watching the two of you with an amused expression on his face.

Tony nipped at your breasts before he finally leaned backwards, pulling off his own boxers. Stephen took advantage of that, his hands gripping your waist to pull you over to him a little bit. "We have something new tonight."

"Oh?" You breathed out.

"How about my little scientist explains it?" Stephen said, his voice dripping with so much dominance, Tony didn't even hesitate to start speaking.

"As your orgasms will be coming quicker, ours won't." Tony said. "So, we decided that if you build us up to the point of an almost orgasm, then we won't pull out more than eleven orgasms from you, which is the whole point of tonight."

True. You really didn't want to orgasm more than eleven times. Four was already starting to make you feel a bit tired.

Checking the clock, you saw that it was ten fifteen. What time had you gotten here?

Stephen slowly gathered your hair up in his hands. "How 'bout you get on your hands and knees darling?"

You did as he wanted, looking up at him through your lashes. He groaned lightly at the sight before him.

You knew exactly what he wanted, tentatively leaning forward to kiss the tip of his cock, before moving even more forwards so that you were able to lick a strip from the base of his cock up to the tip, kissing it again.

Avengers Colour Soulmate AU- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now