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Jonathan's pov
Smallville, Kent Farm 8 am

My name is Jonathan Kent. I live with my father, who is a journalist in Metropolis, and with my grandma on a farm. I'm twelve years old. I never knew my mother, but dad told me about her a lot. They loved each other very much, but she died when I was six months old. I don't know how she looked like because he never showed me a picture about her.

I went down to have breakfast and found my dad in the kitchen. He was making pancakes for me.

"Hey, morning Jonathan! Could you please bring in the newspaper?" he asked and I rolled my eyes.

This was my father's hobby I think. He always reads the Gotham Gazette, but I don't know why. Gotham is very far away from us and the newspapers always arrived a few days later.

I looked at the banner and finally they wrote about an exciting incidence. I started to read the article while I was walking inside.

"Thank you. You found something interesting? You never read newspaper" Dad asked and without looking at him I nodded.
"It's about Batman. He finally killed the Joker"

I raised my head in fright. Dad dropped the plates from his hand and he looked like he's going to faint out.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I stepped beside him to help him if he needed, but he just shook his head.
"I'm sorry, Jonathan, I-I have to tell you something. Wait, I can tell you everything while traveling. That will be even better"
"Traveling? But where?" I'm started to get very worried about my father. He was very pale and trembling slightly.
"Clark, what's going on?" my grandma came into the kitchen and helped me hold my father.
"Mom, we can finally go back. The Joker is dead" he said and hugged his mother, then he suddenly released her and turned to me. "Do you need anything or we can go?"
"I think we can go" I said just because I saw he didn't want to wait.
"Alright, then the first secret is that I'm Superman" he said and went outside.
"WHAT?!" I was completely shocked.
"Clark, are you going to tell him everything?" my grandma yelled after him and my father yelled a yes from outside. He was waiting for me. "He's completely out of his mind and all because of him. Take care of yourself, my dear. It's a very dangerous place where your father going to take you. I'll go after you at the weekend and talk to him then. It's competely impossible to talk to him right now. Now, go. Take care of yourself my dear" she kissed me on the cheek and I ran outside to my father.

"Are you okay?" my dad asked while we were flying above the fields. It was the most amazing thing in the world.
"Yeah, so are your other secrets as cool?" I asked and my father chuckled a bit.
"It depends, but please don't hate me for not telling you this sooner or because of the lies I told you over the years" he said sadly, but I shook my head.
"You can't say anything that would make me hate you, Dad"
"Thank you son, but I don't think you'll be able to keep your promis. Well, the first thing you have to know that I had a husband and not a wife"
"Wait, so I'm adopted?!"
"No, the kryptonian men can give birth. I was your mother if that makes sense"
"Alright, go on" I said, but I started to fell a bit dizzy.
"Well, what I said about your mother is true to your father. He's a wonderful person, but I'm very worried about him. I don't know how he managed to kill the Joker"
"What's all this with the Joker? Why did we have to leave my other father?"
"Twelve years ago, the Joker found out something about your father and sent him a threatening letter. He sent me away with you, so you won't be in danger and you can have a happy childhood. He loved you more than anything" Dad said, but I couldn't accept his answer.
"How could I have a happy childhood with only one parent?" I outraged.
"Jonathan, it was a very hard decision we had to make and I would make it again just to keep you safe. And I'm sure, he'd do the same thing"

After this we didn't speak until we reached Gotham city's border. I tried to imagine my father. Do I look like him any way?

To my surprise, we didn't went to downtown, instead near to the other side of the city. I only saw trees and fields, until I saw a big Mason with a huge garden and a private road to the fence gate.

My father landed in front of the big wooden door and looked at me.

"Are you ready?" he asked and I saw he was tense too. I nodded and waited with bated breath. My dad knocked on the door and stepped back. While we were waiting, I tried to look into the house, but all the windows were covered with big dark curtains.

I heard the keys jingle in the lock. The door opened and there stood Batman.

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