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Bruce's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 10 am

We had breakfast a bit later, so everyone could sleep enough after the long day and pull himself together for tomorrow. I looked at my ward and my son and I knew that the storm was coming. I wanted it to come as soon as possible, so I provoked them.

"So, what do you think about Rose, Jonathan? You disappeared for the whole night" I said and he looked at me frightened then at Damian who stucked his fork a little harder into his breakfast.
"She's very nice, I guess" he said shyly and if Damian could kill with his eyes, Jonathan would be dead now.
"Yes, she's very nice and she's kissing very well, doesn't she?" Damian asked mockingly which made Jonathan annoyed.
"If you really want to know, yes, she is a good kisser! Are you happy now?" he said as he stood up from his seat. Damian stood up too and both of them were very tensed. The chairs clattered loudly on the floor. Poor Clark didn't know about anything and he frozed down in shock. I stood up too to stop the boys if they start fighting.
"No, I'm not! How could you do this to me?" Damian was yelling now and Jonathan yelled back at him.
"I'm not the one who said we should forget about it, so just shut up!"
"Shut up? Fine, I won't talk to you ever again" Damian said and ran into his room. We heard the door slam, then everything was quiet.

Jonathan sat back on his chair and so did I. He buried his face in his hands and didn't say anything.

"Okay, somebody could tell me what the hell was this?" Clark looked at us still in shock.
"I messed it up" Jonathan muttered into his hands. I sighed and sat beside him.
"Jonathan, look at me" I asked and he slowly did what I asked. "It wasn't completely your fault"
"Thanks" he said ironically, but I ignored it and continued.
"We can fix it, if that's what you want" I said and he looked at me amazed.
"What do you mean "if that's what you want"?"
"Well, you can stay with Rose, if you prefere that" I shrugged.
"But I don't" he whispered and put his head in his hands again, he groaned angryly into it. "I messed it up so much. Why did I have to say him to shut up?"
"Yeah, that was a very bad move, because he definitely won't talk to you after this"
"Then how do I supposed to make things up for him?" Jonathan outraged completely.
"We set up a trap for him" I said confidently and he gave me a quiet scared look.
"Bruce, what are you planning?" Clark asked suspiciously, but their worried faces made me laugh and with that I just made them more worried.
"You'll see" I winked at them and left them at the table in shock.

I went to Damian's room to talk to him. I knocked on the door and he let me in.

"I will not apologize to him" he said defiantly as he jumped on his bed and sat across from me.
"I didn't want to ask you for that. I want to know how are you doing" I sat beside him and saw that he let his guards down.
"Well, I've been better, but I'll survive this too" he sighed. I felt very sorry for the boys because of this unfortunate outcome and I really hoped that my plan would work.
"Why don't you talk with him once more? Maybe you just misunderstood each other"
"He said me to shut up, so I won't talk to him ever again" he said defiantly again.
"Damian, don't be ridiculous! You're living in the same house, you can't ignore each other for forever"
"Well, I'll definiately try. Now, leave me alone" he said and turned away from me.

I knew I won't be able to convince him now, so I left his room and almost bumped into my husband who was waiting for me outside the door.

"Bruce, can we talk?" he asked and dragged me into our bedroom. "What the hell is happening?" he asked outraged.
"I can't tell you anything"
"Because I promised to Jonathan that I'll tell you nothing about this" I said and he groaned frustrated.
"You and your stupid promises and rules! You're gonna be the death of me!" I managed to make the most patient person in the world angry with me. I'm the only one who can do this to him and it was terrible because now I could see why was Martha trying to make him leave.
"I'm sorry" that was all I could say and I left him alone to calm himself down.

I met Jonathan in the living room and he probably saw that I wasn't in the best mood.

"Bruce, what happened?" he asked worried.
"Your dad is pretty mad at me right now" I sat across from him on one of the armchairs.
"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I'll go talk to him and tell him everything. I don't need you to keep the secret anymore" he said and wanted to rush up on the stairs, but I grabbed his arm before he could do anything.
"That's very nice from you, but that's not the only problem right now" I said and ran my fingers through my hear tiredly.
"You're getting divorced?" he asked horrified.
"No, I hope it's not that serious. But he's stressed about a lot of things. His mother is angry with him, he has to catch up with the League, but he is mostly worried about me"
"Why is he worried about you?" Jonathan asked still very scared.
"Jonathan, my story as Batman began when I lost my parents and they literally died in my arms. I saw a lot of awfull things in my life and I did a lot of awfull things, but Alfred and he always kept me in the light. I think he's scared what will I do after Alfred's death and with the fact that my own ward killed him. Or what will I do to myself" I only whispered the end of my sentence, but Jonathan heard it.
"So, what happens if you lose control?"
"It's not what you think it is. I'm a workaholic. After you and Clark left, I only slept five hours in a week and I only slept because Dick asked me to sleep. I don't even eat or drink for days"
"How are you still alive?" Jonathan asked amazed and horrified.
"I trained a lot and because Alfred took care of me before your father" I smiled him, but he didn't smiled back. I guess I managed to turn my last family member away from me.
"You know, I've always been a big Batman fan. I think because of dad, but I liked how strong you are. I couldn't imagine that what I saw was just the surface" he said thoughtfully and I felt tears in my eyes. "I knew you probably sufferd more than what you told me, but I want to make things easier for you for once. I'll talk to dad" my tears fell on my face and he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back.

"I'm glad you're closer to each other now" Clark spoke from the stairs smiling at us. We quickly released each other and I stood up from the armchair.
"Dad, I asked him to not to say anything to you about what happened between me and Damian. If you want to be angry with someone, be angry with me" Jonathan stood in front of Clark, but he only shook his head laughing and hugged him.
"Relax, Jonathan. I calmed down. I'm sorry, Bruce for the outrage, I don't know what got into me"
"Are you alright?" I asked suspiciously as he came to me and burst out laughing. His mood changes were very scary.
"God, it's so hard to keep secrets away from you. You're still the greatest detective in the world" he wanted to kiss me, but I leaned away.
"What's the secret?"
"Well, I wanted to tell you this more romanticaly, but if you want to know it now, than so be it. I'm pregnant" he said out a bit worried and waited for my reaction. I thought about it for a moment, than put my hands around his neck and pulled him into a long passionate kiss.
"Eww, I'm here if you forgot about it" Jonathan said and covered his eyes with his hands.

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