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Damian's pov
Gotham, Gotham High School

It was very delightful to come back to school. I missed not being around Jonathan so much and I got distracted from him on the lessons.

I only have too close friends, Tommy and Ally (and of course Dave, but he's much younger than us), and of course a lot of admirer because of the upcoming tournament between the high schools in the state and I'm one of the champions. These fans can get very annoying by the end of the day, but it's still better than thinking about Jonathan the whole day.

By the way, he quickly fit into his class and he's got a lot of friends after two days. It didn't matter because I knew that most of them will go away after a few days or weeks. He'll learn that some of them only hang out with him because of his fathers, but the true friends won't leave him.

He hanged out with Rose a lot during the holiday after we had argued for two days and they continued to hang out in school too. Everyone in the school think that they are together and they're not wrong unfortunately. They didn't make it official, but it's only matter of time and I hate that I can't do anything about it.

Jonathan's pov

I liked my school back in Smallville, but the Gotham High School was completely different in every possible way. Here, they have a lot of big classrooms which are not the cleanest, but it's fine and more than a thousand students study here.

My headteacher is very nice, but his lessons are very boring. My favourite subject was maths, but I think the new teacher hates me because of my father, so my new favourite is history. We'we got a very young and (according to the others) hot woman who's much better than my old and boring history teacher back in Smallville.

My classmates were all very nice with me, especially Alex, Victor and Kate, and of course Rose, but she wasn't in my class. I had been hang out with her a lot recently and she's very mature for being only ten years old. Probably because of her powers and responsibilities. Anyways, she's very kind, smart and funny, but I only think about her as a friend. I told this to her and she accepted it, however she wanted me to be her boyfriend.

I didn't talk to Damian in the second part of our holiday, but it doesn't mean I'm still angry with him. He's the one who still doesn't talk to me. Now, that we are in school I saw another side of him. He told that he has a lot of friends, but I never tought he's this popular. The half of the school is around his table at lunch time. I thought he loves personal space and to be alone, but apperently he's not. One of the girls sat very close him actually. I've never been jealous in my whole life, but in that moment I'd burn down her head from her neck with my heat vision if I'd have any idea how to use it.

"You're okay, budy? What are you looking?" Victor asked and looked at the same direction. "Ah, Damian Wayne, the champion of our school. Oh, and of course you live with him, sorry. I always forgot about that" he said laughing and I slightly smiled at him. I didn't tell them what happened between me and him.
"Yeah, you never talk about him. Tell us something about the most popular boy in this school" Kate was interested now too. I sighed and thought about what should I tell them.
"Well, we doesn't talk to each other that much. Most of the time he's training with Bruce" I shrugged, but that wasn't enough for them.
"And how is your new father?"
"He's very... it's hard to describe what he's like, but we became quite close to each other"
"That's great, but he's not to busy with work?" Kate asked thoughtfully.
"He's busy, that's true, but since his butler had been killed he tries to spend more time with us and with my dad" That was true, he made us breakfast, took us to school and also took us home and prepared dinner with my dad. Alfred's absence made Christmas a bit of a mess, but we quickly established a new routine.
"And what do you think about that you'll have another brother in two months?"
"It was... it was a big surprise and shock at first, but I can't wait to play with him"
"And how did Damian react?" Alex asked curiously.
"I think he outraged at first, he's only pouting now" I said and the others laughed. "Now it's my turn to ask. Who's that girl next to Damian?" I asked and tried to look uninterested, but I was screaming inside when I saw her straightening his hair what fell apart during their PE lesson.
"Oh, she's one of his close friends, but everyone in the school think that they are together. He has another close friend, Tommy and the girl is called Ally. They're very nice" Kate answered watching the group.
"Good to know" I forced the words out of me. Her answer didn't reassure me at all.
"Well, we should go back to class. See you after school?" Alex asked from us because they had literature with Kate and me and Victor had art class.
"Sure, I have two free hours until Bruce takes me home. Damian has swimming training this afternoon" I said and we seperated our ways in the Great Hall.

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