Biggest enemy

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Bruce's pov
Gotham 11 am

I couldn't believe Jason got away from me. He probably disappeared in one of the dark alleys. The thoughts in my head gone crazy from the different theorys about what is he planning and where could he be right now.

I was still driving around the city but I didn't have any target. I just wanted to think through the opportunities. I knew he still wants to take revange on me and that he needs money to do that. Probably, he'll try to steal from my company or from another company and he'll make it look like I did it.

Joker brought me out from my theory making.

"Watch out!" he shouted and pulled the steering wheel aside before I could hit an innocent person. "Batsy, you really should concentrate when you're driving! We almost caused an accident!" he shouted at me after I parked the car.

I didn't say anything as he shouted at me, I didn't pay attention at him. I almost killed somebody and the two exploded building was also my fault. I have to stop Jason.

"and... Are you even listening to me, Bruce?!" Joker was over the edge. If he ever go crazy again it'll be because of me.
"I'm sorry Joker. The problem is that Jason is my greatest enemy right now and I..." he didn't let me finish.
"If he's your greatest enemy, than what am I?" I looked at him dumbfounded.
"What? Joker, I don't have time for this right now" I snapped at him irritated.
"You know in the good old times there were a lot of great villains in Gotham. I could have killed them one by one when you'd gone after them instead of me. That's why I escaped from Archam so many times. The explosions, the poisons, the fights, everything! All the crazyness and violance were to make you notice me!" I looked at him shocked. He did what he did to make me pay attention to him? That's really crazy. "You have to admit that I achived my goal in this. I died as your greatest enemy and Gotham became brighter for a moment until a few teenager brought me back. Now I don't know what we are. Don't take this in the wrong way, I'm very greateful for tooking me in your family, but I don't really find my place next to you"

It looked like he finished his speech and waited for me to say something, but I couldn't think of anything. What he said left me frozen and completely in shock. I don't really talk about feelings and I didn't know how to make him feel better.

"Joker, you just came back from death, give yourself some time. And if you ask me, I think you're doing very well in your new life. Even the overprotective Dick started to like you so I think that's something" I slightly smiled at him, but he didn't seem convinced.
"Maybe I'm a jerk, but I don't care about what are the others thinking about me, I only care about you. That was the whole point of my speech, Bruce! You didn't pay attention again!?" at that point I didn't know if I should laugh or cry, this situation was so absurd.
"Fine, my opinion is that you deserve a second chance and I want you to be happy" I simply said, but Joker was still dissatisfied. He stared at me without blinking.
"Sometimes you're so blind Batsy, that you can't even see what's right in front of your nose" he said and leaned closer to me. Deep down I knew what he'll do, but I couldn't believe it.

His lips reached mine. I didn't even try to escape from him, I just sat there completely frozen. He slowly and carefuly kissed me and when he pulled back he easily pecked my lower lip. I didn't even notice I closed my eyes. I only realised it when I opened them and Joker was nowhere.

(I'm sorry for being away for such a long time, but I'm back now and I hope this plot twist makes you forgive me

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(I'm sorry for being away for such a long time, but I'm back now and I hope this plot twist makes you forgive me. Have a nice day!)

Until death-Superbat3Where stories live. Discover now