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Damian's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 8 am

I went down to the living room with Dick and Kori to have breakfast, but Bruce wasn't there yet. Neither were Superman and Jonathan.

"Could you wake up Jonathan? I'll go and wake up Superman" Dick said and we separated our ways in the corridor.

I knocked on Jonathan's door, but when he didn't answer, I entered. He was sleeping in his bed and I decided to use this time to look around in his room. Bruce never allowed me to come in here, but it was just a normal children's room. There was even a crib.

Jonathan didn't get up until I sprinkled him with water. He wasn't too pleased, but I've been trying to wake him up for five minutes. Maybe next time he'll be able to wake up alone.

Everyone was waiting for us when we finally came down. I sat between Dick and Bruce, and Jonathan sat next to Superman. While we were having breakfast, Bruce told us what we should do today. He had a quite long list. He said that we'll decorate after lunch because he had to go to the school with Jonathan. It seemed like they're going to live here.

Time skip

Until lunch the time passed quickly without Jonathan. I trained with Dick and Kori in the cave. Dick showed me some tricks, so I'll try them out next week, after I learned them.

After lunch, Bruce and Dick brought out the decorations and we started to work. Superman put the lights on the house, Dick and Kori did the garden, Bruce helped them with the electricity and me and Jonathan had to do the living room.

We were working next to each other in silence until Jonathan couldn't take it anymore and had to speak.

"So, how was your morning?" he asked awkwardly.
"Really? How was your morning? Thank you, my morning was just perfect" I said ironically, but I didn't know why. He just really annoyed me.
"That's great" he said and we remained in silence, but of course it didn't last long again. "We'll go to the same school after the Christmas holiday"
"I know" I said and wanted him to shut up, but when I turned around, I bumped into him and we both fell to the ground. The Superboy jumped up immediately and held his hand towards me to help me up while he was always apologising.
"I'm so sorry, Damian. Are you okay? I'm terribly sorry. I'm..." he said, but I cut in on what he was saying.
"I'm fine Superboy and I can stand up alone. I don't need your help" I tossed away his hand, stood up and dusted my suit. Maybe it's weird that I'm in suit at home, but I feel comfortable in it.
"Damian, I told you not to be so rude" Bruce entered the house and put down his coat. The others followed him and Alfred brought hot chocolate for everyone.

Around 5 o'clock we got an unexpected visitor. We already decorated the tree and we were having a conversation when we heard knocking on our door. I looked at my guardien, who became tense from the noise and signaled me to be ready to fight if it's necessary.

Bruce, Dick and Superman stood up while Alfred went to the door to open it.

"Who is there?" Alfred asked before he'd open up the door.
"It's me, Martha. I told Jonathan that I'll come here at the weekend" a female voice answered and Alfred opened the door. Superman hugged her.
"Mom, why did you come here?"
"Because I wanted to talk to you. You can't move back here, it was a mistake to let him marry you. I should have known, but he seemed so perfect. Now I see, I was wrong. He made you suffer and made Jonathan suffer for twelve years and now you want to forgive him? I won't let you" she yelled at my adopted father and I felt the rage running through my whole body. 
"Martha, I didn't want to hurt Clark or Jonathan, but you know that we didn't have other choice. Joker would have killed them" Bruce tried to explain, but the old lady didn't listen to him.
"My son defeated more dangerous men than that stupid Joker. You're the weak one who couldn't defeat a simple man for years"
"Mom, that's enough. It's not that simple" Superman said as he put his arms around Bruce to protect him. I felt something strange feeling in my stomach, but I decided to ignore it.
"You're right. It was enough. You two are coming home with me" she said pointing at Jonathan and Superman. I wanted to punch her in the face, but I didn't know why. I didn't like Jonathan that much, or did I? "And you get divorced" she pointed to Bruce instead of Jonathan now.

That was the last drop in the glass. No one is threatening my guardian. I wanted to jump on her, but Bruce got out from Superman's arms and hold me back.

"Damian, I can handle this, trust me. Martha, I think it's not my or your choice. It's Clark's decision, let him decide what he wants" he said as he let me go again and looked at Clark, just like Martha.
"I won't leave you again, Bruce" Superman said without hesitation and a weak smile appeared on Bruce's face.
"You're a fool, son. We won't see each other until you change your mind" she said as she rushed out from the manor.

"Sir, the dinner is ready if you want to eat before patrolling" Alfred came into the room. Bruce gave him a smile and we all took our seats at the table.

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