The clown's home

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Bruce's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 11 am

I drove through the entrance of the Batcave with Joker by my side. We didn't say a word durring our way, but the tension was undeniable.

I parked down and we both got out from the car.

"I didn't know you were taking this bat thing this serious. You live in a cave?" Joker looked around amazed.
"If you ask my family, they would say I live here, but I don't sleep here at least"
"Your family? Oh, right. Where are the Robins?" he looked in everywhere while I went to the Batcomputer and sent Damian a message.
"They are in quiet different places"
"Always so mysterious" he sighed as he came next to me.
"Yes, I am mysterious, but it will change now. I tell you my secret identity" I turned to him and I thought that he'll be excited, but he rather looked like that he had a heart attack and forgot how to breath.
"You can't tell me!"
"Why?" I looked at him confused.
"Because it might be ruin everything!"
"What would it ruin?"
"Our relationship" he said with sad eyes which almost broke me, but I was trained by Jake currently and I could stay strong.

I knew I have no chance against Joker in a debate like this, so I just simply pulled my mask off. He was so stunned, that he forgot to close his mouth.

"You...yo-you are Bruce Wayne!" he looked like he have to sit down, so I grabbed his arm and helped him down on a chair.
"Yes, I am. Here, take a seat" he sat there and stared at me. He was still trying to put the pieces together from our past. "Are you alright?"
"Yes, but how? And why? And..."
"Okay Joker, listen to me. I'll answer all your questions if you want, but first we have to clear your name so they won't shoot you down in a dark allyway" I looked deeply into his eyes and lightly shook him. It helped him.
"Okay. What do I have to do first?"
"First? You need a normal name. You can't be Joker anymore"
"I have a normal name. Call me Jack then" he shrugged his shoulders and I only nodded to it.
"Your make up also have to go" I said sternly and he sighed sadly.
"Fine, but just for you to know, my hair is natural green and my skin is natural white. You can't make me change that"
"I know Joker, you don't have to reminde me to your accident"
"It was your fault and..." he couldn't finish his complaining because the elevator arrived and a whole group of people got out from it.

"What is going on here?" Clark stepped to me worried and also angry.
"Yes, what the f### were you thinking Bruce when you brought him here?!" Selina yelled at me and I looked at Joker who looked like he was trying to look for an escape.
"I thought I'll help an old friend of mine. Do any of you want to question me?" I raised my voice threateningly and both Clark and Selina remained in silence.
"So, you're Joker" Jonathan stepped closer and Damian followed him closely to protect him.
"I am. And who are you? You don't look like one of the Robins, but the boy next to you looks a lot like a Robin" Joker said a bit confused and threatened.
"I'm Jonathan Kent-Wayne. I had to live without my father because of you" my son's words made me shiver. His cold icy voice reminded me to myself. But also another thing hit me.
"Wait a minute! You sent me a letter and you said you know my secret identity, but you were surprised by the fact that I'm Batman" we all looked at him waitingly and I silently prayed that he wouldn't say what I thought he was going to say, but when our eyes met, I knew I was right. "No. You couldn't do this" I whispered and I had to sit down.
"Batsy, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do this to you. I wasn't myself" he knelt in front of me and looked at me pleadingly. I was his only hope for a second chance. He looked as broken as me and I couldn't say no to him.
"I forgive you. The past is in the past and we have to act now" I stood up and went in my changing room, followed by the others curious and confused eyes.

I went upstairs and the others followed me. Clark came silently to me and grabbed my arm tightly. I knew how annoyed and furious he was. He hated when I knew something and I didn't tell him, but I couldn't tell him in front of our sons what happened.
"Bruce, you have to tell me. What had Joker done?" he whispered tensely into my ear, but I didn't answer him.
"I'll explain you everything, but not in front of the boys. I don't think they could accept it and I want to give an another chance to Joker"
"No Bruce, you can't do this to me! You tell me everything right now, or else I'll go after the truth" he was clearly angry at me that point.
"Clark, you are my life. Please, let me tell you everything the way I want" I stared deeply into his eyes and his look finally softened a bit.
"Alright, you have to tell me everything until today midnight"
"Thank you" I sighed relieved and gave him a long affectionate kiss which he returned.

Clark let go of my arm and I went over to Joker to discuss how to clear his name. I organized a press conference for the next day. I made it official that Joker is under my protection.

After a silent dinner, everybody retired to their rooms, and after I put Jake to sleep, I talked with Clark.

"So, what's the big deal about that letter?" he asked, sitting on the edge of our bed.
"Well, you have to promise me that you won't take revange on Joker because of it. Remember that I already forgave him" I sighed and carefully watched his expression, but he seemed quiet calm, but a bit unpatient.
"Fine, I promise, just spill it out already" he said and I took a deep breath and said it out.
"Joker didn't know I was Batman, he just send out letters to everyone who was rich enough to be Batman"

For an awfull moment he didn't say anything, just stared at me.

"And you want to keep this man in our home and help him? Are you out of your mind?!" he yelled at me, but I was't scared from him. I knew how he felt and I felt the same, but I just couldn't let Joker to be alone.
"Listen, I know what he did is terrible, but he was mad and it wasn't completely his fault. I want to save him" I tried to pull him closer, but he stepped away from me.
"There is an emergency in Metropolis. I'll be back"
"When?" I asked because I had a feeling that he won't hurry with that.
"I don't know. I have to think" he opened the balcony door and flew out in the direction of Metropolis.

Until death-Superbat3Where stories live. Discover now