Jonathan's birthday

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Jonathan's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 5 pm

It was my birthday and I decided that that was enough. Damian couldn't ignore me for forever. I talked about this with Bruce and he agreed to help me.

"You don't have to overthink this, Jonathan. Just make sure no one will disturbe you and talk to him. That's all" he shrugged.
"But he always leaves when I'm in the room"
"Fine, I'll make you a chance, but I won't talk to him instead of you"
"Thanks" I couldn't get the grin off my face for half an hour.

Today was the day. Bruce'd ask Damian to go on patrol with him, but he'd make him wait in the cave and that would be my chance to talk to him. I really hope this would work and I won't screw it like last time I talked to him.

"Good luck, kid" Bruce came out from the elevator in his bat costume.
"Thanks. How much time do I have?" I asked quite nervous as he gently pushed me towards the fireplace.
"I give you twenty minutes and then I'll go down to see if you're still alive"

The door closed between us and the elevator started to move under me. I took deep breaths and tried to regain my composure. It went well until I didn't see Damian. He looked extremely hot in his robin costume.

"Great, you're back. Can we go now?" he asked without turning to me, but he noticed the silence and faced me. "What do you want?" his voice was almost trembling with nervousness.
"I-I just wanted to apologise" I stuttered out. He looked at me thoughtfully for a few moments then he nodded.
"I'm listening" I sighed relieved and continued.
"I'm sorry I told you to shut up"
"And?" he looked at me expectantly.
"And that kiss with Rose, but it only happened once and we're not a couple" I rolled my eyes and he finally smiled at me again. Ah, how much I missed his smile.
"Fine. Apology accepted" he extended his hand for a handshake, but I ignored it and embraced him. He was shocked for a moment then he hugged me back and pulled me closer to him.
"So we can be friends again?" I asked shyly after we let go each other. Both of us was a little bit embarrassed.
"Sure" he nodded with a confident smile and I couldn't resist and asked another question.
"And maybe... if everything goes well... you know... we could be a... a thing?" my face could be like a tomato, but I had to ask.
"Jonathan, I don't think we should force this"
"Okay, I understood. Then we'll be just friends. Good luck with your patrol. I go upstairs and get Bruce" I headed towards the elevator, but Damian called me back.
"Wait! I just... happy birthday, Jonathan" he said finally. I expected something else, but I tried to cover my disappointment. I thanked him and went upstairs where both my fathers were waiting for me.

"Well? How did it go?" dad asked excitedly.
"We're friends again" I forced a smile on my face and my dad pulled me into a hug.
"I'm sorry" Bruce said. Probably he noticed my real feelings, but he didn't say anything else, just disappeared in the elevator.

--Next day--
Damian's pov

I couldn't stop thinking about Jonathan and our conversation. I still don't know if I made the right choice in that moment, but I tried to convince myself the whole evening. I'd be okay. I didn't need more drama.

I went to have breakfast and as always I was the first one who appeared at the table. I greeted Bruce in the kitchen and brought myself some food before I sat down. Superman arrived a few minutes later and also started to have breakfast. After a while it started to get strange that Jonathan was still nowhere.

"Damian, could you please check on him?" Bruce asked me because I was already ready to go.
"Sure, we'll be back in a minute" I stood up from the couch and headed towards the bedrooms.

I knocked on his door, but he didn't answered. I thought he's still asleep, so I opened the door and I almost hit down Jonathan with the door. He just came out from the bathroom after showering. (Un)fortunately, I scared him so much, he dropped his towel and he stood in front of me completely naked.

We both stood there frozened and with burning faces for almost a minute before I could finally think again and I shut the door with a big bang. I leaned against the door and tried to calm down my rushing heart. 

"Is everything okay up there?" I heard Bruce's voice from downstairs and I pulled myself together to answer.
"Yeah, we're fine"
"Is Jonathan ready? I packed his breakfast, he can eat it in the school"
"Just... just wait a moment" I tried to get some time before I'd have to face with Jonathan again. "Jonathan, are you ready?" I asked a bit quieter and he opened his door. (Un)fortunately, he was dressed up and had his backpack with him.
"Don't worry Bruce, we're coming" he said and without looking in my eyes he hurried down, but I saw that he was still flushed. Probably I was too.

I followed him and I almost left without my schoolbag. Bruce warned me in the door that I'm missing something and I had to sit next to Jonathan in the car. 

I couldn't believe. We just fixed our relationship and now it's weird again.

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