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Jonathan's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 11 pm

I couldn't fall asleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Alfred laying in Bruce's arms and bleeding. There was a lot of blood. I hadn't seen this much blood in my whole life. I never really get hurt.

My room was next to Damian's and as I could hear he wasn't sleeping either. After my dad send us upstairs, I went to bed immediately, but Damian has been pacing up and down his room. I tried to concentrate to his steps and calm down, but this made me even more nervous.

At 11 pm, I couldn't take it anymore and knocked on his door. He opened it in two seconds, but as I could see, he didn't expected me. He looked a little disappointed.

"Jonathan, what do you want?" he asked annoyed. Somehow, he always sounded like this when he talked to me.
"I can't sleep and I heard you can't either. Can I come in?" I asked and he stared at me like he couldn't believe what he heard.
"Fine. Come in" he said with a big sigh and let me in.

He closed the door behind us and laid down on his bed. I laid next to him. He looked quiet shocked, but he didn't say anything. I, on the other hand, cannot sit quietly for long, so I initiated a conversation.

"So, why are you still awake?" I asked shyly and Damian gave me his usual 'are you kidding me?' look.
"Same reason as yours" he said and laid his head against the headboard and closed his eyes. He looked very exhausted.
"You're worried about Bruce?" I asked quietly and he sat up and looked at me seriously.
"Jason can't hurt him, Bruce will punch the sh*t out of him. I'm much more worried about how he's going to get over Alfred's death. He's not very good at letting people go" he said with a little smile and I smiled back at him. I started to calm down.
"Yeah, he kept my crib, it's still in my room" I said and he started laughing. I never heard him laugh, but I liked it very much. I wanted to hear him laugh more.
"You know, I never had such busy days since I moved here until you moved here" he said still smiling.
"I don't know this was a compliment or not, but I'll take it as a compliment" I said and he laughed again, just to confuse me even more. "To be honest, I never had such busy days in my whole life" I said and he stopped laughing and looked at me shocked.
"How is that possible? You're the son of Superman and Batman. You have abilities too, right?"
"Abilities? I don't know anything about this" I said shocked and looked down at my hands. I never had time to wonder about being half Kryptonian.
"We should ask Bruce or Superman about this, they'll definitely know everything"
"Good idea" I said and remained in silence for a moment. Damian looked at me worried.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"It's just... I didn't know my father is Superman. I didn't know that my mother is another father and he's Batman and the richest person in the state. I moved to Gotham one day to the next, I have to go to a new school, I've got brothers who know me better than I do and one of them is killed my father's buttler(/dad) because of me. Did I miss something? Oh, yes. My grandma is angry with me and dad, and we can't go back to Smallville" I completely outraged to him and he looked at me quiet shocked. He didn't even blink. "Sorry, I've been too honest" I said a bit quieter and he shook his head to recover from the shock.
"No problem, but you forgot about the abilities" he said and I couldn't do anything, just burst out laughing. I started to like him very much. He was much nicer then we decorated.
"I wouldn't mind the abilities that much" I said and this time he laughed.

We stayed up all night and only fall asleep around 6 am. We talked about a lot of things, but mostly about me. He was very interested about my past in Smallville, so I told him everything he wanted to know. I asked him about his past, but he didn't want to answer. I guess he wasn't as lucky as I was with my father, but I won't give up. I give him time.

Until death-Superbat3Where stories live. Discover now