Tit for tat

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Jonathan's pov
Gotham, Gotham High School 5 pm

It's been a week since the accident between me and Damian. We couldn't even look at each other for two days without blushing. The things are better now, but it's still very awkward when we're alone together.

I was walking towards the changing rooms in the school gym. Bruce asked me to search for Damian because his training ended an hour ago and we've been waiting for him ever since. It was very strange because Damian is never late. Maybe something happened to him.

I was so lost in my thoughts, that I didn't realize I'm in the changing room. No one was there, but I heard that somebody just turned off the faucet in the shower. I opened the bathroom door without hesitation.

Damian just stepped out from the shower cabin. He looked quite surprised from the sudden noise I made. We locked eyes and I couldn't look anywhere else, but at him. Some of his wet locks hung in his eyes. The water drops playfully flowed down on his muscles. I've never seen anything so beautiful and perfect. 

I wanted to step closer to him, touch him, but my legs didn't work. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't think of anything.

I didn't know how long we stood there like frozen statues, just staring at each other, but we both looked like we just woke up from a dream when my phone started to ring in my pocket. Damian immediately grabbed a towel and put it around himself while I answered the phone call.

"Hey Bruce. Yes, I found him. We'll be there in five minutes. Bye"

When we got into the car, I knew we couldn't continue this without a discussion, the control began to slip out of our hands.

(Hey guys, I know it's a very short chapter, but I just came home from a very long vacation and I didn't have the time to write more. The good news are that I have a plan how to continue this story (more or less) and now that I'm back I'll hopefully have more time to write. I think that's all I wanted to say. Have a nice day!)

Until death-Superbat3Where stories live. Discover now