School Tournament

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Bruce's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 7 am

"Good morning boys. Damian, are you ready for the tournament?" I asked as they sat down at the table and I put down the breakfast on the table.
"Sure. They won't have a chance against me" he answered confidently as he put a sandwich on his plate.
"Great. We'll leave at 7.45"

Gotham, Gotham High School 9 am

The tournament started with a ceremony and they intoduced the champions. There are five schools and every school has three champions. There are ten competition tasks. The first one is always fencing and the last challange is decided by the organizing school. This year it was street fighting and Damian is one of the fighters.

"Any instructions?" Damian asked from me as he put on his fencing gloves and prepared for his first fight. I looked at the other competitors and answered my wards question.
"Don't kill them" he laughed and put on his helmet. The judge called him and the other boy for the first round.

It was quiet boring. Damian was better than anyone and he won easily. I think he wasn't even tired.

His schoolmates were very loud as they were cheering for him, especially two girls in the first line. They were pretty, but I knew Damian would never speak with them. Jonathan sat next to me with his friends and the Allen-Jordan siblings. I thought he'll go to the girls and punch them in the face if they look at Damian once more.

The next round was table tennis and Damian could relax and prepare for his next challange. He'll have to fight on uneven bars. I think it was the most difficult task on the whole tournament. Dick trained him for hours every Saturday. I hope it was enough.

"Hey, Damian. Are you ready to lose?" one of the competitor boys yelled to him, but he only smiled at him.
"You're still here? I thought you already halfway home after Nick kicked your ass in fencing" he responded.
"Fencing isn't my sport, and uneven bars aren't yours. I hope your fake father has called the ambulance, because it'll hurt when you fall"
"Please, I'm not the one who'll need the ambulance after our fight" he said as he jumped on the first bar for the judge's call and he stood up. His opponent did the same thing and the match began.

"Oh my god, I don't dare to watch" Jonathan whispered and he covered his eyes with his hands.

It was the most exciting match I ever saw and many in the audience didn't dare to look. Damian's opponent was very good, but Dick was a great coach for Damian, so it was a well balanced match, but Damian still had one advantage. He was used to fighting and he was a better strategist. He sat up a trap for him and attacked him from the behind. One last kick on his back and Damian won the first round. I send the video I made about the match to Dick. He'll be proud of his brother.

The other challenges went down easily until the street fighting. Damian won the uneven bars, the rope climbing, the obstacle course and the basketball matches. It was already 3 pm when they started the last challenge, but it wasn't question that the Gotham High School will attend in the next round.

Damian and his opponent were getting ready to fight, when the door blowed out and Red Hood stepped in the gymnasium with armed people. The chaos was instant and everybody in the room started to scream or wanted to run away, but of course they couldn't get out.

"I hope everyone enjoyed the show, but the real show starts now" Red Hood stepped on the temporary stage and pushed down the director.
"Bruce Wayne! I want your blood, but I let go the others if you surrender" he pointed at me, the only one who remained calm and sat on his chair. Now I stood up and everyone in the room fell silent.
"I see you recovered from your injuries, but didn't learn the lesson" I said calmly, but you could cut the tension in the room.
"I won't ask it once more. Do you surrender?" he lost his temper and pointed his guns at me. I didn't answer, but I was ready to jump away from his bullets. Then he smiled and slowly turned his guns towards Damian.

I felt the blood drain from my face and I jumped to somehow save my son, but Jonathan was faster. He jumped in front of the bullets when Jason pulled the trigger. 

Jonathan fell on the ground. Me and Damian were at his side immediately while Jason disappeared in the crowd.

"Ouch, this hurt" Jonathan sat up slowly. Damian laughed relieved and hugged him. Then he realised what he did and let Jonathan go.
"Thanks god you inherited Superman's invulnerability" I sighed relieved too and pulled him up from the floor.
"Yeah, I'd be in trouble without it" he said while he hugged Rose and his other friends who I didn't know.
"Oh, you're still in trouble" I said threatening.
"But why?"
"If you die, Superman would kill me, so you're grounded for a week"
"But I saved Damian! Isn't that worth something?" he tried, but I had more routine with teenegers. He didn't have a chance with me.
"That's why it's not a month. Now, I think the champions still have a challenge to finish" I said and everyone in the room started to walk back to their places.

Damian won the street fighting round too and the Gotham High School won the tournament with seven medals (Damian won 6 because there is a rule that each champion has to take part in at least two challenges).

Damian wanted to celebrate with his friends, so I drove Jonathan home before I went out on patrol in Gotham.

Jonathan's pov

I could only think about the moment when Damian hugged me. I didn't want him to let me go, but he did the exact same as when he kissed me. He leaned away from me.

My dad's words brought me back from the wandering.

"So, now that we are alone, you can tell me what is going on with you and Damian" he appeared in front of me and scared me to death.
"The-there's nothing between us. I-I don't know what are you t-talking about" I shrugged and tried to escape to my room, but he grabbed my shoulders and made me sit on the couch. He sat beside me and kept his hand on my arm.
"Jonathan, you can tell me anything"
"I know dad, but even I don't know what is going on with us" I sighed and he looked at me like he could read in my mind.
"Okay, then tell me what do you think about him. We barely talk these days. We should spend a day together without the others. What do you think about this weekend?" he asked smiling at me, but I had to say no to him.
"I can't. Bruce gave me detention" he looked quite surprised.
"What? How could he punish you? And for what?"
"Well..." I told him what happened at the tournament and he wasn't too pleased with my action either.
"Now I can see why you're grounded. You have to learn how to use your powers and your brain at the same time. You mustn't do this again" he said sternly.
"Fine, I understood. Can I go to my room now?" I asked annoyed and he finally let me go.

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