Date night

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Bruce's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 1 pm

Everyone was in the living room when me and Selina arrived. Damian and Jonathan were studying, Kory played with Jake, Clark was working on his article and Joker and Dick were having a conversation over a bottle of beer. I didn't even know we keep beer at this house.

We were in the city to search for an appartement for Selina and fortunately she found the perfect one for herself. She paid for it immediately and she could already move in so she just came to grab her things and move to her new place. She didn't spend too much time with us, but I'll still miss her mostly because of the old days.

"Are you busy?" I asked Clark as I stepped behind him and looked up to me from his computer.
"No, I have just finished it. What are you planing?" he shut down his laptop after saving his work and puled me down beside him on the couch.
"It depends. Dick, how long do you want to stay?"
"We'd stay for the night if you don't mind"
"On the contrary, I'd be happy if you stay. Clark, would you like to go out on a date with me?" I saw that I managed to surprise him.
"With pleasure" he smiled and gave me a kiss which I returned and intertwined our hands.

~Later, at a restaurant~

I brought Clark to one of our favourite place and reserved a table at the corner. It was a nice, quiet restaurant and we could talk freely.

"It was a very good idea, Bruce. I don't even remember when was the last time when we could spend a little time romanticaly alone" Clark tasted his wine while I was choosing from the dishes.
"I know. I missed it too. But now, we're here and we can do all the dating process you want" I said after I gave the order to a waiter.
"It's more than enough to be able to talk with you privately" Clark grabbed his wine and we toasted.

"Do you have any idea what can you do with this new Jack Napier?" Clark asked after the waiter brought our food to our table.
"Not yet, but I think he should be the one who choses what he wants. I just want ot help him to reach a normal life"
"It won't be easy, but I'll be there for you as always when something turns out bad"
"I don't need your help, thank you very much" I said a bit offended, but also jokingly. I knew he would never intervine into my fights.

"Do you think the two boys will be alright if they spend all their time together? I mean, it's better than the time they were arguing, but spending a lot of time together can be harmful too" I shared my doubts with him.
"Do you think if we are sharing too much time together it would be harmful?" Clark asked back as he took a sip from his wine and I felt that I was walking on thin ice.
"No, of course not, but we were meant to be. They are still young and..."
"Said the man who was in love with me for ten years before he told me. I think it's a good thing that they already found each other. I belive that what they have is real and they won't get bored of each other" he said firmly and I couldn't help but to believe him.

"You know we should do this more often. I missed to spend time with you so much. Especially in this mess and chaos you caused" Clark laughed and I stared at him disapprovingly.
"Very funny Clark, but it wasn't my fault. But you're right. We should go out more often from now on" I smiled softly at him. Damn, I can never be mad at him for a long time!

"How's Dawn?" I asked while we were waiting for the dessert.
"She's fine I guess. But I wanted to talk about something which has been on my mind for a very long time" he said nervously.
"Okay, go ahead then" I said a bit surprised form his sudden seriousness.
"I wanted to talk about quiting my job" he said out and I almost dropped my glass form my hands.
"I don't want to give up writing articles, but I don't want to work at the Daily Planet anymore. I tought about coming closer and write for the Gotham Gazette. What do you think?" he asked a bit scared of my answer and to be honest, I didn't really know what to say to that. I wanted him to be closer to me and our family, but what will happen then with Metropolis without Superman around?
"I-I don't know if it's a good idea Clark. You have to protect Metropolis and if you stay here all the time, you won't be able to protect everyone even if you're faster then anybody, except Flash" I saw the disappointment in his eyes, but I had to say it out. Nobody can die because we were selfish.
"You may be right, but I still want to quit. That place reminds me too much to Louis and everybody at the office act strange around me because of what happened between us. Plus, Dawn wants to quit too. We want to come here together as partners"
I should really stop this! I'm acting against my conviction because of him!
"Well, if that's what you really want, then do it, but you have to speak with the League first about keeping an eye on the city for you so they can notify you in time about a possible danger" he looked at me very surprised.
"So... you would be okay with that?" he asked still in doubt.
"Sure, why wouldn't I? At least I can keep an eye on you easier" I said leaning closer to him and pressed a quick deep kiss on his mouth. He blushed which made me smirk at him.
"I'll quit tomorrow" he said still in shock, partly because of my kiss in a public place and partly because I didn't satnd in his way. His expression made me laugh out loud.

We paid for the dinner and went home. Dick, Kori, Joker and the boys were already sleeping when we arrived. I quickly checked on Jake the wanted to go out on a patrol, but Clark made a much attractive offer that I couldn't say no to.
Maybe I should have say no.

Until death-Superbat3Where stories live. Discover now