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Jonathan's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 7 pm

I didn't wait for too long. I was afraid that I'd lose my courage if I wait another moment. I took a deep breath and knocked on his door.

I knew he'd be in his room. Bruce and he had an argument earlier. Damian didn't tell Bruce about his longer practice and that's why he was late. Damian said that he forgot to tell it, so he got away with a warning.

I heard a silent 'come in' and I entered his room. He sat at his desk and worked on his homeworks, but he looked up from his books when he saw that's me who came in. He dropped his pen on his book and sighed tiredly.

"Please, Jonathan. I don't have energy for this right now" tilting his head back, he faced the ceiling and closed his eyes, but he didn't get rid of me that easily.
"I don't care. We have to talk" I sat down on his bed and with an annoyed groan he turned to me with his chair.
"Fine. What do you want to talk about?"
"About how we should learn how to knock before we enter in a room" I suggested ironically.
"I knocked on your door, but you didn't answer!"
"Then why did you come in?!"
"Because we had to go and I thought you're still in bed or something!" Damian started pacing from the tension.
"Well I wasn't" I said quietly.
"By the way, you have super hearing, don't you? You should definitely hear me knocking" now the point was his.
"But that doesn't change the end of the game!" I jumped up from my place and Damian also stopped pacing around.
"But at least I knocked!"
"But at least I'm not a jerk!"

We both were very tensed up and our faces were only an inch away from the other. I could feel his breath on me. We were both panting and locked eyes with the other. We stood like this for a few moments when Damian broke the eye contact and stood back.

I thought I hurt him with my last sentence, so I grabbed his arm before he could turn away from me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean my last statement" I still hold his hand. He looked back at me with an exhausted sigh.
"Jonathan, I'm not mad at you. But we always run these circles with each other. Something happens, we talk about it, it's good for a while, but then something happens again and we're on the starting field again" I thought about it for a moment, but I couldn't agree with him.
"I think there is one step you forgot about"
"And what is that?" he asked confused. Probably he didn't expect this kind of answer.
"You being an unreasonable jerk with me" he tried to escape from my grap, but I didn't let him. "Just let me finish. It's so obvious that we like each other and I'd love to be with you, but you always push me away from you. You're doing this without giving us a real chance!" 

I let go of his hand and he halfly turned away from me, not looking me in the eye. We stood in silence for a few minutes, before Damian speak up very quietly.

"I'm sorry, but I have my reasons why am I doing this" he embraced himself with his arms.
"Then tell me what are your reasons because this thing between us starting to drive me crazy!"

I had to wait for his answer for a while, but then he sighed and turned back to face me.

"Fine, I'll tell you my story if you promise that you won't tell it to anybody and that you won't see me differently" he looked so serious that I could only nod. He pulled me after him and we both sat on the edge of his bed. "It happened before Bruce adopted me, so I lived with my parents in a normal apartment. I was a totally normal guy and I had a girlfriend" he really looked like he'll start to cry, but Damian pulled himself together and went on with the story. "Her name was Dorothy. She was a year younger than me, but she always spend the breaks with me and my friends and we lived in the same apartment building. To cut this story short, I used to have another close friend. Dorothy cheated on me with him, but my friend was the one who forced her to do that. The next day she told me everything and begged me for forgiveness. I said that I'll only forgive her after I talked with my friend. The next day my friend ended up in the hospital, not because of me, but he fell down from the stairs. It turned out Dorothy wasn't the only one who fell for him. I forgave Dorothy's mistake and we slept together that night. And that night she died" I was completely shocked, but Damian didn't noticed and carried on with the story. 

"The Riddler set the building on fire. Batman appeared and tried to rescue everyone from the building. When he came into my room he grabbed me, because I was closer to the window. We landed safely on the road and Bruce just wanted to go back for her when the fire reached the gas wires and the whole building exploded and burned down in five minutes. Nothing left from it. Bruce never left my side, he watched the fire just as shocked as me. I only shed one tear there, but I cried for a whole month after the shock was over. Now you know my story. That's why I'm a jerk with you time to time. I don't let anyone to get too close to me" he stared at his hands which rested in his lap and waited for my response, but I didn't know what should I say to this. 

I reached out for his hands and took it in mine. He looked up at me with the most beautiful eyes in the world and it gave me strenght to say out what I had to say out.

"Thank you for telling me this. Your secret is safe with me, but you have to understand that I won't give up on you. I love you and you can do nothing about it. Maybe it's time for you to trust in somebody" Damian glanced down at our joined hands and then back at my face.
"I wouldn't trust anyone, but you" he said and by tugging into my hair he kissed me passionatly.

I couldn't breath for a moment from the shock, but then I responded his kiss. We sat there for half an hour like this. Sometimes we kissed more gently then it turned back to passionate again and I enjoyed every second of it.

Until death-Superbat3Where stories live. Discover now