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Bruce's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 3 am

"Bruce, you should calm down and try to get some sleep" Superman came behind me and hugged me, resting his chin on my shoulder while I was staring out the window.
"I can't sleep. They put him in jail for ten years"
"I still can't decide if it's good or bad" he sighed and pulled me closer to his chest.
"I hope it'll be enough" I gave him a little kiss on his face then turned back to the window.

We stood there in silence for a few minutes  which felt like hours.

"I go to bed. Please come with me" he kissed my neck, making me moan a little, but I hadn't been able to sleep.
"Fine, but I don't promise that I'll sleep"

He didn't say anything to this, just grabbed my hand and pulled me after him in the bed. I laid beside him and watched him as he was sleeping. More than ten years passed but he's still the most beautiful person I'd ever seen in my life.

An hour passed like this when a silent noise cought my attention. It sounded like somebody was trying to broke in trough the window, but this sound was very familliar to me. She'd done this a lot before she left Gotham. We used to be together.

I didn't wait for her to come in, I got up, went to the balcony and opened the window for her.

"Selina, you used to be quieter" I stepped back so she could come in and I closed the window behind her.
"It's good to see you too, Bruce" she smiled at me and put her arms around my neck he didn't notice Clark in the room.
"Why did you come back?"
"For you, of course. You know, I travelled around the world, and I enyojed it, but none of the places felt like home. I was only happy here, in Gotham. With you" she leaned closer to me to kiss me, but I stopped her.
"Selina, I can't" I whispered and she finally released me. She looked so broken, but I couldn't help her.
"What's happening here?" Clark woke up and looked at us very confused. "Who are you and what are you doing in our room?" he stood up and came to us.
"Clark, she's Selina or as you probably know her, Catwoman. We were used to date with each other" I didn't dare to look at him, so I kept my eyes on Selina. She was in her old catwoman suit and she still looked very hot, but I was over her.
"And what is your ex-girlfriend doing in our room?" Clark started to get very angry, so I tried to calm him down.
"She came back to Gotham and because she knows that I never sleep at this time, she came here to talk to me. Nothing happened and nothing will" I put my arms around his neck and gave him a quick passionate kiss, which was a bit awkward because of Selina, but I didn't have another choice, I didn't want Clark to be suspicious.
"Right, and what did she want?"
"I want to ask him a favor. I didn't find a place to stay. Can I stay here with you until I find an appartement?" she asked pleading and I looked at my husband questioningly. He took a sharp breath.
"Fine. She can stay" he gave in and I gave him a long grateful kiss.

I showed Selina her room and we all went back to bed.

Next morning we all sat down in the living room, having breakfast when Selina came down, still in pj's and threw herself down next to Jonathan. The boys looked quiet shocked, I forgot to tell them about our guest.

"Khm, morning Selina. I hope you slept well" I started a conversation, but she was still half asleep.
"Yeah, do you have coffee? I hadn't slept in two days because of the traveling. Where is Alfred?" she asked and I felt my throat thightening. I still didn't used to the thought of Alfred's death.
"He... he's not here anymore, but you can find coffee on the kitchen counter" I asnwered her after I pulled myself together and after she disappeared in the kitchen, my sons attecked me with their questions.
"Who the h#ck is she?" Damian asked in his usual style.
"She's an old friend of mine" I answered diplomatic which made Clark groan. We all looked at him questioningly, but then Selina came back to the room and she was very much awake.
"That coffee was lifesaver, thank you. So, where were we? I did a little research about you Bruce, to be honest and I have to say, you must had a very busy life since our ways parted"
"Yes, I think you can say that" I laughed lightly, but I could fell as the tension is growing in Clark.
"And what about you Selina? What did you do for such a long time, while Bruce was saving the whole world and working the hell out of him?" Clark didn't even try to hide his frustration and he attacked on her like a professional journalist.
"Uhm...khm, I know it's hard for you to believe, but I went through a lot too and I was beside Bruce when he needed me the most, when you didn't even exist as Superman. He weren't just my lover, but my only true friend" she was almost shouting at the end of her sentence.
"Really?! Then why did you leave him?" Clark was now yelling at her which made Jake cry and the other two boys sat there in shock too.
"None of your business!"
"ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!" I couldn't take it anymore. "You two are incredibel! I'm going out on that door and I won't come back until you can talk to each other like normal people!" I grabbed my carkeys and slammed the door behind me.

The anger flooded my thoughts and I couldn't think clearly. Maybe I overreacted this whole situation, but all the frustration from the last days came on me in that moment and I needed some time alone to think. I didn't know where am I driving, but then suddenly out of nowhere a man appeared in front of me in the middle of the road and I could barely stop the car to not hit him.

When the car finally stopped, I let out a big sight and get out from the car. Jonh Constantine stood there like nothing happened, but he looked quiet worried.

"I finally found you! Where are you going? You must go back to Gotham!"
"Why? Something happened?"
"The followers of Red Hood. They are trying to resurrect Joker from death with a lazarus pit!"

Until death-Superbat3Where stories live. Discover now