Big brother

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Jonathan's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 1 pm

"Where is my little brother and my reprobate father?" Dick Grayson arrived. "There you are! Let me give you a hug. Welcome home again, Jonathan. I missed you very much" he said while he hugged me very tight and I could barely breath.
"Dick, let him go. You don't let him breath" the woman who arrived with him said and Dick finally let me go from the hug. "Hey Jonathan, I'm Kori and this is Dick. He's my husband and you're brother" Kori said and we shook hands.
"Damien, I almost forget about you. Do you want a hug?" Dick asked as he stepped next to the boy.
"No, thanks, and to answer you're other question, he is on patrol"
"How is he?" Dick asked more quietly and quet worried. It was interesting to watch how he could change his feelings from one to another in a moment.
"I hope he'll get better, but right now, he is very desperate. His family has just arrived and he went out searching for Jason"
"Well, he was always like this, didn't he?" my father stepped in and put down plates in front of our guests.
"Clark!" Dick was his happy energetic self and emmbraced my father into a hug.
"It's good to see you too. Kori" dad nodded towards her and she smiled back at him. "Could you please tell me who is this Jason exactly?" Dick released my dad and sighed.
"Well, dad couldn't keep his promise to you. When I went to collage, it got even worse because he was all alone again in this big house. He was like a ghost. Then he adopted Jason, but the things didn't get better"
"Yes, because he wasn't you" Damien cut him off.
"That's not true. You're not me either, but he loves you"
"Yeah, whatever" he rolled his eyes and Dick continued the story.
"Jason was too violant and dad couldn't control him. They never really spoke to each other. Bruce adopted him when he was twelve. He disappeared from his collage a month ago and dad is looking for him since then. He got a threatening letter from him too. I think that's why he accidently killed the Joker"
"Accidently? I thought..." dad said, but Dick cut him off.
"No, he wouldn't have killed him, but you knew that. His batarang missed the target because one of Joker's henchmen made him trip. The batarang hit Joker on head and he died there immediately"
"We could barely make him to come home" Damien said when the fireplace opened and there stood Bruce Wayne.

"Dick, Kori, it's good to see you" Bruce hugged Dick, then took his seat between my father and Damien.
"Good to see you too. How are you?" Dick asked.
"Better, but lets eat before Alfred come out and scold us all" he said smiling and tasted his soup.

Bruce's pov

"Good night, Jonathan"
"Good night" he said, but I couldn't go away and went back to his room again.
"Jonathan, can we talk?"
"Sure" he said and sat up in his bed. I sat down next to him.
"I don't know how much do you know about me, but everything my sons told you about me today is probably true. I don't even know what Clark has said about me over the years, but I just want you to know that I don't want to push you. I'm happy you're here again and I hope that you don't have to leave again"
"Okay, but how should I call you?" he asked blushing, but I smiled at him and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked me in the eye. He has the most beautiful blue eyes like his father.
"I'm fine with Bruce"
"Okay, thank you. I can ask about Batman? How did you guys started to date?" he started listing his questions, but I had to interrupt him.
"I'm sorry, Jonathan, but I can't answer to you're questions now. I have to talk to Damien"
"Fine. Just one last question. Do you think he likes me? I mean, Damien" he asked, staring straight ahead.
"I'll be honest with you. He doesn't like you, but he will" he smiled at me thankfully and after a last good night wish, I left his room and entered to Damien's room.

"Bruce" he greeted me and only looked at me when I sat beside him on the bed.
"Damien, we have to talk"
"Fine, what do you want to talk about" he said as he put down his book.
"Why were you such a jerk to Jonathan?" I asked directly, because I knew, this is the only way he would answer to my question.
"I wasn't" he said, but I gave him a look and he sighed. "I don't know. Maybe I don't want him to be here" he said and now I knew what's going on.
"You're jealous of him"
"Not exactly. I just... He is your real son and I'm afraid you won't have much time for me anymore" he said sadly. I took his hand and he turned his face towards me. There were tears in his eyes. I've never seen him cry since his parents died.
"Listen Damien. I'll always have time for you. I always had time for Dick and Jason. You won't be an exception"
"Promis?" he asked and there weren't tears in his eyes anymore.
"Promis" I nodded and gave him a quick hug. I was about to left when he changed subject.
"When will we decorate the house for Christmas?"
"I thought about tomorrow. I was only going to do it in a week, but since Dick is already here, then let's not delay"
"Okay. Good night, Bruce!"
"Good night"

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