Jack Napier

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Bruce's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 10 am

I didn't even put my feet on the brake pedal in the way back to home, until I parked down in front of the entrance and I rushed in, not caring about anything or anyone. I heard the shocked shoutings behind my back, but I didn't have the time to answer them. I dressed in and drove out from the cave.

Constantine sent me the coordinates of the pit and I drove there immediately.

"Batman, I would like to remind you, that the lazarus pit is magical and it's healing any kind of injuries too, not just resurrecting the dead" Constantine said through the radio, but I didn't really pay attention to him.
"Alright, thanks John" I said keeping my eyes on the road as I turned out my radio. I didn't need any distraction.

I parked down the Batmobil in front of an old ruined building and I just wanted to go in, when somebody came out the door.

I couldn't belive my eyes and I forgot how to breath. He stood there and stared at me like I stared at him. Joker.

"Joker, do you hear me?" I decided to break the silence and went closer to him with a few steps.
"Batman, my old friend. You have no idea how good is to return to the life. I missed you" he said, but not in his usual crazy style, but like a normal person, like he really meant what he said.
"Joker, what happened to you?" I asked still in shock from what I saw in front of me.
"You tell me. I was running when I suddenly fell and then darkness until I woke up in this old dusty building"
"It was my fault. One of my batarangs hit you on the head. I didn't want to kill you, you know that, right?" I asked a bit sceared, but I didn't really know from what was I sceared.
"I know, you would never kill me. I knew it was an accident" he said and he didn't seem angry or upset, just in thought and this was so strange that I didn't know what to do. He was so...normal.
"What will happen now?" he asked. It seemed like we were thinking about the same thing.
"To be honest? I don't know either" I said and I wouldn't say this anyone, but him. The others think that I always know the answer, but sometimes I'm just clueless as they. He laughed softly at our situation when I heard the sirens of the police cars at the distance. They came closer. I had to decide fast. Joker heard it too and looked at me questioningly.
"Well, it looks like we're running out of time. I guess I'm going back to jail then" he looked very disappointed and I didn't know why, but I didn't fell like it would be the right thing to do.
"No. You're not going back to jail" I said quietly, but I saw on his face that he understood my words, just when the police cars arrived.
"Joker! Give yourself up and no one gets hurt!" the police mens surrendered us quickly and pointed guns at him. He looked at me expectantly and I didn't let him down.
"Put your guns down. He is no longer a threat. He's completely sane and healthy"
"He can't be out of jail after what he did"
"He had mental illness, but he's completely fine now. He won't do more harm"
"Do you vouch for him?" the commander asked and I looked deeply into Joker's eyes and he looked back at me. I realized, I trust him.
"Yes, he's coming with me. I know someone who will be happy to keep an eye on him" I said as I turned around and started to walk towards the Batmobil. Joker tried to follow me, but the police mens didn't let him. "Let him go. I gave you my word. If he does anything wrong next time you can arrest him, but now he's under my protection. Come on Joker. Sunshine is not my thing" I said as I got in the car and the polic officers finally let him go. He got in next to me and looked at me surprised and questioningly.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see" I said as I turned in the engine and drove away.

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